Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (2024)

Q4) 13

Below image shows the alphabets considered by me

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (1)

There's some mistake in this image (My mistake!), The following numbered alphabets cannot be read as capital letters -> 9,10. Alphabet numbered 9 when flipped cannot form N again. Also 10, representing S cannot assume any capital letter after flipping. But alphabet numbered 13 can be assumed to form 'S'. So, I still consider that. Thanks to Adamya Kaushik for informing this to me.

Q5) 9

Frankly speaking, I'm not that good at fonts, but tried figuring these font categories, correct me if i'm wrong

Trick is identify font alphabets with tails and without tails, then take any alphabet (say a,t,i ...) and compare with other word alphabets of the same category.

  • Font 1 = spectrum, operators, farmers
  • Font 2 = auctions, performance, mango,
  • Font 3 = display, total, sugar,
  • Font 4 = holdings,
  • Font 5 = maximum, allegations
  • Font 6 = industry, programme, benchmark, natural, utilized, contributed, cartelisation, compensation
  • Font 7 = reduction, withdrawn,
  • Font 8 = emerged
  • Font 9 = fiscal

Q6) Team-2, 286

My Explanation to this question is given below. However idea given byVaishnav Harithrough his comment below is very simple that I'm sharing here.

we can simply subtract max and min scores.....
(mean - min) + (max - mean) = max - min

My actual explanation

This is a statistical question, wonder how these questions are asked in UCEED exams. Anyway my explanations goes like this with the help of the below image.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (2)

The actual procedure is to find the standard deviations/variance of the given data set which requires calculator. But considering the fact that you are not given any calculator in exam, here is one more simple way.

Find the average of all the data for all teams, like for say team one, the average of given 5 data will be

mean 1 = (255+278+291+268+308)/5 = 280

Here denominator 5 represents the total no. of data considered. Likewise do that for rest teams too.

Now, find the difference between the identified mean and the maximum and minimum values of the given data for all teams. For ex, for team1,

(Mean - min value) = 280-255 = 25
(Max value - Mean) = 308-280 = 28
Sum them up which is 53.

Do this for the rest teams too, now choose the team which has the minimum sum, that is team 2

The idea is, spread or variance represents how far the data are spreaded from the mean value irrespective of the mean value. So, if the difference between the ends are less, it mean the data are less spreaded and hence less standard deviation or variance.

Hope you understood this.

Q7) 8

I'm Just writing down the words with wrong spellings

thier (their), consceintious (conscientious), recieve (receive), come (came), bee (been), atitudes (attitudes), beginings (beginnings), comonplace (commonplace),

Q8) 70

Although six units of Part A is given, we can only use 5 of them and using rest four C parts, and two B parts, we will get a maximum length of 70, including the two male screws at both ends as clearly shown in the below sketch

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (3)

Hope this is clear

8*5 + 4*4 + 6*2 + 2 = 70

Q9) 7 T's

check the below image circled in red for your easy identification

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (4)

Q10) 7 type-A pencil patterns

The below image with circled arrows might give you a clear idea.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (5)

Q11) 15

The below four images illustrates the formation of different parallelograms

image 1: 8 straight parallelograms

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image 2: 2 parallelograms shown in red or green

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image 3: two more parallelograms in green and red, and one overall big sized shape shown in yellow

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image 4: two shapes, both of which are formed using one small and medium sized parallelogram, shown in green and red

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Total: 15


The below image shows the extruded view (3D) of the alphabets

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (10)

No. of surfaces formed by extruding
(In my usual order front, right, back, left, top, back)

Letter 'L' = 1+2+2+1+1+1 = 8
Letter 'O' = 2(two curved surfaces - inside and outside of oval 'O') +1 (top)+1(bottom) = 4
Letter 'V' = 1+2+2+2+1+1 = 9
Letter 'E' = 3+5+3+1+1+1 = 14

Total = 8+4+9+14 = 35

Check the link -

how to count no. of surfaces on complex solids

Also see -

working with geometric shapes

I'm planning to make a detailed explanation of how to manipulate or observe solids in order to answer images/solid type questions with very good explanations and supporting images very soon for your benefit: )

Q13) 7

By observation


check this page for more details about -

photography guide

Q15) 2823

How to solve this kind of broken puzzles ?

Well, it's some what tough, took some time for me to figure out the pattern. I have marked alphabets for the individual broken peices as shown in the below image

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (11)

The below image shows the arranged form of the pieces with the alphabets mentioned for your better understanding. Hope this is clear.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (12)

How to solve such puzzles ?

Simple thing is identify the four pieces of the puzzles, which represent the corners. Like for example, the top right corner of the piece should have two perpendicular edges at 90 degree each to the top, right ?, similary, the bottom right corner should have a piece which has two corners 90 degree to each other. Similar logic applies to the other right extreme corners. Once you keep these four pieces in their place, it's easy to identify the pattern. You can cross check what I explained in the above image, n understand how extreme corners are alligned. I always start with the corners, It works for me! give it a try.

Q16) skipped - (Answer is 3 from key)

If you want explanation, I can think about giving here but later.

Q17) 5

Below image shows the image that I prepared for better understanding. Red arrow shows direction of rope travel based on the arrow shown at A. Blue arrow shows the direction of rotation of the pulleys depending on rope travel. Now, count the blue arrows rotating in clockwise direction which turns out to be 5.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (13)

Q18) 18

Front - 4
right - 6
back (as shown in the second view) - 2
left - 2
top - 2
bottom - 2


Given cube is 6x6x6 sized. So, each row will have 6x6 = 36 cubes.

We will count the missing cubes from bottom to top.

Bottom (1st) row - nill
2nd row = 1
3rd row = 7
4th row = 9
5th row = 16
6th (top) row = (36-11) = 25

So, number of cubes = 6*6*6 - (1+7+9+16+25) = 158


Below image shows the process for the first three statements. B can contact E and can be contacted by C shown in I
Next two statements sre also shown in II and III.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (14)

Below image shows the complete cycle of the rules indicated in question.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (15)

Now the minimum no. of Robots between A and B, to send messages is 2 (D and C)
i.e either A -> D -> C -> B

Q21) A,B,D

'Being and Nothingness' is a book written by 'Jean-Paul Sartre'. Michel Fouucault was a French philosopher.

Q22) A,B,C

Basically what the question asks is among the given option if they are placed next to the given shape, whether they fit into the impressions or not.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (16)

All the options match given image directly or either by rotation.

Q23) A,D

Elephanta caves cannot only contain Hindu Vaishavaite. Similarly Ellora caves also contain many sculpture including Shaivaite and vaishnavaite.

Q24) A,B,C,D

All the given pattern can be drawn without lifting the pen or retracing any line.

Below image shows the explanation. The starting point is marked as S in blue, and from there the steps that I took is indicated successively by numbers. Follow the numbering system so that you can be able to trace the path that I assumed. Note that there are many ways we can draw those shapes if we pick any intersection point! The procedure that I showed is only one possible way

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Q25) A, C, D

Below image shows the explanation. Note that pattern C is rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

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Q26) B,C

B,C can be formed form the shapes, but A and D patterns are not possible.
Below image explains the situations

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27) A,B,C

Even I referred internet for this :P

Q28) A,B,C

By careful observation, D cannot fit the condition. You can check this. Rest three shapes can hold all the four symbols. Below image shows the possible arrangement marked in three different color patterns.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (20)

29) C,D

The Lion Capital of Ashoka is a sculpture of four Indian lions standing back to back ... The capital is carved out of a single block of polished sandstone,
Ellora caves are carved in living rock

Q30) D

Just note the four corner patterns of the given image as shown in the given image

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (21)

Now in the rotated images of the options shown, check if the four corner squares (if rotated) are matching or not.

Option C - anticlockwise rotation of image
Option D - anticlockwise rotation (twice) of the image

Now to check if the two options are correct or not, extend the four corners to four edges, I mean now check the rest small suare pattern on the edges.
Option B has a slight mismatch and D doesn't have any mismatch.

Q31) A,B,D

Referred to internet :P

Q32) A,B,D

Cartography is the study and practice of making maps. While the rest are related to printmaking.

Check more

about printmaking here

Q33) A,B

Anandavardhana was the author of 'Dhvanyaloka'
Mammata Bhatta was a Sanskrit rhetorician noted for his text on poetics, the kavya-prakasha (light on poetics).
Anandavardhana is credited with creating the dhvani theory. He wrote of dhvani (meaning sound, or resonance) in regard to the "soul of poetry."


more about him

More related info will be shared about writers very soon.

Q34) A,B,C,D

Since the solids can be merged to form one more solid, option C can also be considered, otherwise option C cannot fit.

Below picture shows an option. How option D is formed. I hope you can imagine the rest options, else let me know!

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (22)

Q35) B,D

By observation

Q36) A,B,D

Q37) B,C

Below image shows my observation. According to the list,

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (23)

R, the teacher belong to Chennai
Q, the cammando is unmarried.

Rest two conditions are not sure, they may or may not be right. So, we choose B,C as option

Questions 38 to 41,
I'm skipping here, but just as a note for you, I'm coopying the answers from UCEED official answer key

Q38) A,D

Q39) A,C

Q40) A,B,D

Q41) A,C

Q42) A,C

Check the below image for better explanation

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (24)


For this kind of question, assume yourself that you give a small push to any of the links other than the bottom ones (if any) It's usual to consider the bottom link as fixed. All the mechanisms other than D can move with some displacement. D is a static structure.

Q44) C,D

Whenever the material is in stretching condition, consider them to be under tension, when they are such that they undergo kind of pushing on both sides, then consider then under compression. Only material B of the stool is in compression, rest are in tension. Now check the options which suits our findings.

Q45) B,D

(I'm not pretty sure, just got this answer from key)


Very simple, just turn the pairs horizontally, and try to pass them through the cutouts. Since the width of all the pairs are within the width/depth of cutouts, all the pairs can pass through all cutouts.
Simple isn't it?

Q47) B,D

Q48) B,D

Q49) C
Only C is possible.

Q50) B

Since the umbrella is three fold, the mechanism should have many joints especially sliding type.


New update

Q51) Not sure (Answer D taken from key)

Q52) D

Based on the darkness/intensity change

Q53) D
By observing the transition of colors on both sides

Q54) C

If you closely observe the given pattern of hexagonal colors, we can infere the following points

  1. Color Magenta is surrounded by two dark green and one purple for sure, rest hexagonal shapes are red
  2. Green colors are mostly appearing in pairs (two dark green side by side)
  3. Purple is never paired wit purple.
  4. Combination of two dark hexagon colors (pairs) has either two purples as their neighbors or one purple + one magenta as their neighbours and not otherwise

With the above inferences, we can deduce that the middle two hexagons are dark green and their ends are one red and one magenta.

Q55) B
Note the given circles in column format (three columns and three rows)
The color of the smaller dots in the second column are same as that of the color of the smaller dots in the third column circles and are either towards or away from each other in each row.
Also, the color of the bigger dot in the second column of a row is opposite of the color of the bigger dot in third column of the same row.

With the above inference, we can surely say that option B is the correct missing circle.

Q56) D

This question is prey simple and straight. The third image in any row is just the difference of the first and second images in the same row.

For example, first row, first column has blue diagonal line, first row second column also has diagonal column, now their difference is nil and hence third column of the same row is not having the blue diagonal line.

With this kind of understanding, we can say that for the third row also, there will not be any blue diagonal line. So, option D is correct. Got it?

Q57) D

Option A - Red, Green and brown colors are not matching with respective colors in the painting
Option B - Blue and brown colors are not matching with respective colors in the painting
Option C - Green and purple colors are not matching with respective colors in the painting

Q58) A

Observing the script given. the font 'dha' cannot have bent semi circle, taking this into account, option A or B is correct, now again in B, the bottom little extension is bent not in straight but made with spline line.
Observing 'jha' in the given script, it cannot be curved, so option A must be correct.

Q59) A

Just a quick observation will give you a clue that the letters 'Kha' and 'ta' are adjacent and mostly appear in pairs that too in the same row.
In the given space, two 'kha' are dajacent to the empty space as hown in the below picture, so in space A and B, we should expect 'ta'. Option A suits this condition.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (25)

Q60) C

The leg part at the bottom for option C is bit bulger, I mean thicker compared to other options.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (26)

Q61) C

I'm not very sure whether what i'm going to say is correct or not, but just a try.

Observe the black dots circled in red for all the three patterns. As you can see they appear in 4's. Also, three and two dots appear together as indicated by blue lines.

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Now, in the given options, C matches this kind of pattern.

Q62) B

Transaction from first pattern to second pattern happened like this.

1. First row rotated clockwise 90 degree
2. Second row rotated clockwise 90 degree
3. Third row remain as it is

Transaction from second pattern to third pattern happened like this.
1. First row rotated clockwise 90 degree
2. Second row remain as it is
3. Third row rotated clockwise 90 degree

Now, following the pattern, we can deduce the following
1. First row remain as it is
2. Second row rotates clockwise 90 degree
3. Third row rotates clockwise 90 degree

Q63) B

It's just the mirror image of the given pattern

Q64) B

The question is straight forward, all the symbols are flipped vertically, I mean they are mirrored with vertical axis.

Q65) C

Q66) A

I went in reverse direction. from the folded view to unfolded view. The first image shows the first three unfolded views.

Below image shows the next two unfolding view. Hope you understood.

Q67) B

A simple trial and error will give the following

3 X 4 = 1 2
12 X 3 = 34 + ?

Now, the question mark should be 2, which according the the comparison in the above with question, we can say option B can fit.

Q68) D
Below, I have taken first two patterns from the given 5 consequent patterns, second pattern is obtained by rotating clockwise the first pattern in two steps as shown in the picture (indicated by numbers).

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (28)

The below image shows the second and third pattern, third pattern is obtained by rotating the second pattern clockwise - 3 steps as indicated by numbers

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Following the same counting, we get the number of turns as


Now we need to fill the question mark, since all the numbers appears prime numbers, so the required number is obviously a orime number next to 7, which is 11. So, rotate the last pattern (5th pattern) 11 times clockwise. You will get D as option

Q69) D

Very good website for signage of hazards and chemical areas -
Workplace safety signage

Q70) D
The easiest way on how we can find is based on the first two given images
First image is clearly symmetry radially. Second image is obviously the pattern of tessellation. With these two options, we can say D is the right choice. Another thing is Fibonacci series assumes spiral form as in the given picture.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (30)

Term 'Fractal' is closely related to term 'iteration' or 'factorial' as used in mathematics. It means moving/growing, or so called evolving or expanding symmetry.
For example
4! (4 factorial) = 1*2*3*4
6! (6 factorial) = 1*2*3*4*5*6

So, images that are in growing or decreasing pattern can be a form of 'Fractal image'. Below picture shows the naturally occurring fractals.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (31)

Q71) C

Q72) Skipped (Answer is B from key)

Q73) No correct option (Only IV is correct)

I - Carbon dioxide is the second most greenhouse gas next to Water Vapor
II - Brazil is not a high greenhouse gas emitting country, Canada, Japan and some European nations in line with Indian emissions.
III - Only 1.7% of earth water is fresh!
IV - correct

Q74) C

I - blunder statement :P
II - Not precisely
III - Carbon trading def is different
Under Carbon trading, a country having more emissions of carbon is able to purchase the right to emit more and the country having less emission trades the right to emit carbon to other countries.
IV - True

Q75) Skipped (Answer D from key)

Q76) B

Will deal more about this kind of questions (especially unfolding) very soon

Q77) B

This is pretty simple, the cube is turnd in fixed direction
1. from 1 to 2 (as numbered in the question), rotated to right
2. from 2 to 3, rotated to top
3. from 3 to 4, rotated to bottom (same position as in step1, so next two steps should follow steps 2 and three!)
4. from 4 to 5, rotated to right (same as step1)
5. from 5 to 6, should be rotated to top (same as step2)

Be careful with the two lines alignment, in every step, the smaller and larger lines are swapping their positions, so in the last step also (which is rotated image of step5 - to top), the lines should be swaped, so option B is correct
Below image illustrates this.

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (32)

Q78) B,C

Will give detailed solution to this kind of problems in a separate post.

Q79) A

Option A shows the upright position of the given object. All other options are not matching to the actual 3D object.

Q80) Option not given (i,ii,iii conclusions holds good)

statement 2 implies "Dalis = some melted clocks + some other things 1"
statement 3 implies "Macacre works = Dalis + some other things 2"
so "Macacre works = some melted clocks +some other things 1 + some other things 2"

So, conclusion i and ii holds good. Since all surrealists are melted clocks (some Dalis are melted clocks). So, option iii also is correct.

Q81) D
straight forward question right ?

Q82) A

Learn more about photography guide for UCEED/CEED -

Q83) A

The shapes given in the three views are listed below. In all the three views, all sides were shown with some shape on it except right side (right to views 2). So, obviously that side should have triangle shape in it. So, options B and C are out since triangles are shown in the front/back of hut! According to the given three views, the front and back portion of the hut has either square or star on them right?. Also, option D shows square on the side rather than on the front or back, and so it is out. Now, the only remaining option is A.

The slant portion of the hut (hut roof) on the side with triangle has pentagon shape as can be seen in view 2. If you observe option A, in which the side is rotated to left, this pattern matches, also like I mentioned had we rotated the view to the left, then the backside of the hut will now be front, which has star on it. So, option A is correct.

Q84) C

Q85) A

Q86) B

Go through the links provided in this page to learn about famous persons and artists

Q87) C

Learn more about Artistic tools and art media

Q88) B

This question is straight forward, I think there isn't any necessity to explain about the steps.

Q89) I'm not sure (Answer - D from key)

Q90) C

By observation, the petal should origin at the center of the square and not at the base of the square as in option c. All other patterns seems to exists in the image.

Q91) Skipped (Answer - B from key)

Q92) Skipped (Answer - D from key)

Q93) A

Simple observation will help you identify the correct answer. Best way is to identify for mismatch rather than match!. First step is to consider each option and check the individual segments. Like in option B, C and D as shown in fig have shapes that are not in the given individual parts.

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Q94) A

Q95) A

This question is just a match of the given shape among given options, although I didn't actually see where the shadow took :P

Q96) A
Straw looks bit bigger and little distorted, when viewd viewed through the combination of water and glass.

Q97) A
If revolved about Y, then the solid structure formed will have a hollow shape, so option C is out. Based on the simple observation of the bottom conical shape of the image, we can say that A suits well and hence the answer.

Q98) B
It all depends on the match of the latch hole and the lock projection on the door.
In the below image, red shows the position of the lock projection, while blue indicates the desired position of the match, now check among which options, both can coincide! and such that they lock the door :P

Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (34)

Q99) C

Move in reverse direction, I mean start from home. Now, check the surrounding points, among the given choices, only W is possible, again from W position, look around its surroundings and check which one lead to that position, only N is possible as shown in second picture, to reach N, you need to start from NE. got it?

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Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (36)

Q100) B

Part P has a projection in the center on one side (as indicated by red) and projection from center till the sharp end on other both sides as indicated in blue. Option B has this criteria.

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Answer key with solutions to UCEED 2015 paper (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.