AppFolio Property Manager (2024)

AppFolio Property Manager (1)

4,5 (1.891)

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Cloudgebaseerde software voor vastgoedbeheer

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Over AppFolio Property Manager

AppFolio Property Manager is een alles-in-één oplossing voor vastgoedbeheer voor professionals in de residentiële, commerciële en studentenhuisvesting en verenigingen van eigenaren. Functies omvatten marketing, leasing, onderhoud, boekhouding en rapportage om vastgoedbeheerders in staat te stellen hun bedrijf te moderniseren, automatiseren en te laten groeien. De webgebaseerde oplossing van AppFolio is ook volledig mobiel en toegankelijk op elk apparaat.

Met AppFolio kunnen vastgoedbeheerders hun accounts beheren, leegstand weergeven, huurders screenen, huur innen, onderhoud plannen en marketingcampagnes uitvoeren op kantoor of onderweg. Met het realtime leegstanddashboard van AppFolio kunnen vastgoedbeheerders al hun leegstand beheren vanaf één locatie. Aanbiedingen voor leegstaande eenheden kunnen worden toegevoegd en bijgewerkt op meerdere websites - inclusief de eigen site van de vastgoedbeheerder. Leegstaande panden worden met slechts één klik geplaatst, waarbij alle woninginformatie en foto's worden opgeslagen en toegankelijk zijn in AppFolio.

Via online huuraanvragen kunnen potentiële bewoners een aanvraag indienen en aanvraagkosten betalen via creditcard, waarbij alle gegevens automatisch in AppFolio worden ingevoerd. Het rapportagedashboard van AppFolio biedt vastgoedbeheerders een gemakkelijk te lezen visuele weergave over leaseactiviteit, online betalingen en meer. Eigenaren en beheerders van vastgoed kunnen hun inkomsten maximaliseren door de huurprijzen in hun omgeving te analyseren met de RentMatch-vergelijkingstool van AppFolio. AppFolio biedt huurcontractsjablonen, een ingebouwde screeningdienst voor huurders met geautomatiseerde beslissingen, integraties met derden en meer. Vastgoedbeheerders kunnen via AppFolio huurbetalingen en online onderhoudsaanvragen accepteren, waarbij de laatste automatisch in werkorders worden omgezet.


AppFolio Property Manager (2)

AppFolio Property Manager (3)

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AppFolio Property Manager (14)

AppFolio Property Manager (15)

AppFolio Property Manager (16)

AppFolio Property Manager (17)

AppFolio Property Manager (18)

AppFolio Property Manager (19)

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5 van 1.891 reviews worden weergegevenLees alle reviews

5 van 1.891 reviews worden weergegeven

AppFolio Property Manager (21)

K David


  • Sector:Vastgoed
  • Bedrijfsgrootte:2-10 werknemers
  • Dagelijks 2+ jaar lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling9.0/10

Long Time User Still Enamorede

Beoordeeld op 6-7-2021

We have been using for over eight years with no plans to change. The software continues to improve,...

We have been using for over eight years with no plans to change. The software continues to improve, often from user comments and experiences.


AppFolio's user interface is the best in the business. They're short development cycle offers continued platform improvements. The software does every we need as a small owner/operator.


The lack of an open API. Support not as responsive as it was.

Overwogen alternatieven

Entrata, Rent Manager, Yardi Voyager en Buildium

Redenen om voor AppFolio Property Manager te kiezen

Better user interface and price point.

Overgestapt van

Yardi Voyager

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Best in class, elegant user interface, responsive design, early to market (we made decision eight years ago).



  • Sector:Vastgoed
  • Bedrijfsgrootte:11-50 werknemers
  • Dagelijks 1+ jaar lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling10.0/10

A must-have for any property management company

Beoordeeld op 26-8-2022

AppFolio has been great overall. The product does have a steep learning curve. It took at least 6...

AppFolio has been great overall. The product does have a steep learning curve. It took at least 6 months for our whole team to get comfortable using the software, but once they bought into it, it has completely transformed the way we do business.


Online rent payments, online maintenance requests, customizable reports, robust accounting features, dedicated support team, software is constantly evolving.


eCheck payments being returned as NSF when they shouldn't be, credit card payments are able to be cancelled months later after we've already given the money to the owner, owners aren't able to sign leases through their portal, steep learning curve.

Overwogen alternatieven

Rentec Direct, Yardi Voyager en Buildium

Redenen om voor AppFolio Property Manager te kiezen

We used QuickBooks prior to getting AppFolio. As a property database, QuickBooks was highly limited. The accounting features in QuickBooks are fine, but we were overwhelmed with the amount of rent checks we had to handle every month. And QuickBooks does not help at all with keeping track of work orders. As the size of our staff and the size of our portfolio both started to grow, it soon became evident that we needed a software solution that was specifically designed for property managers, rather than a generalized business software like QuickBooks.

Overgestapt van

QuickBooks Online

Redenen om over te stappen op AppFolio Property Manager

I read a lot of reviews for various property management software solutions, and most of them pointed to AppFolio as being the best one. It might not be the cheapest one, but in my opinion it is well-worth the investment.

AppFolio Property Manager (22)



  • Sector:Vastgoed
  • Bedrijfsgrootte:2-10 werknemers
  • Dagelijks 2+ jaar lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling0.0/10

Sad to be looking elsewhere.

Beoordeeld op 11-8-2018

Initially, I was thrilled with Appfolio. They had live support, and same day follow up calls when...

Initially, I was thrilled with Appfolio. They had live support, and same day follow up calls when submitting tickets. Suggestions on the user forum were implemented, or at the very least, were updated by Appfolio so we knew they were aware and cared. None of that anymore, but we are regularly being innundated with value added junk that we can pay for if we want it or obscure improvements that seem pretty specialized/not broadly impactful. Meetups, etc. are heavily geared toward sales/recruitment and have virtually no value for current clients. I was fine with shrugging my shoulders as this is often how things go with growing companies, but looking completely unprofessional to my tenants/owners due to unreliable email/text, suppressed fee accounting/commingling problems (that are legit problems, not user error), and confusing owner statements have me in talks to switch. Property managers are dealing with stigma to start with - I don’t need my management software making my company look unreliable/unprofessional/untrustworthy on top of it. Not to mention - I dread having to explain during a state audit why income is “suppressed” from owner reporting.


Extremely easy to navigate/train employees to use, tenant rent payment/owner contributions are free with ACH, application-move in flow is smooth, mobile app works well, available property postings look great on my website.


Suppressed fees amount to commingling, and that is so bad. It could easily be resolved and the idea has lots of votes in the forum yet it remains unaddressed. Not to mention, suppressed application fees can be passed on to an owner before you need to refund the fee depending on the timing and that leads to a nightmare of accounting, and having to explain to an owner why you are unprofessionally having to withhold the money in the next month. I tried to get help from support to no avail (it was repeatedly blown off as user error) so then I started going to their live meetups when they came to town begging for help from support in person to make it clear it is not user error. That led to more dissmissal from user support as being due to user error, so I finally said I wasn’t taking no for an answer. After talking to tons of people, I finally got a support person who understood what I was saying, and all they could offer was a VERY time consuming work-around. The integrated email/text feature often fails and does not notify you that it failed causing huge problems. Notification emails when a lead inquires have started being unreliable. If tenants wait too long to respond to an email I sent via appfolio, they are told the thread has expired. Since every email sent from appfolio is sent from a different spammy looking email address, I get frustrated tenants asking which of the 15 email addresses they should use to reach me. Owner statements are confusing to owners.

Antwoord van AppFolio

Hello Tara, thank you for taking the time to leave this review. We understand your frustration and we are glad that you were able to talk through these items with one of the managers on our Customer Success Team. Based on your business practices, not consistently paying our your suppressed fees seems to have caused an issue with your owner's statements. We hope, after speaking with a manager, you will be able to establish a good cadence of paying these in order to avoid error in the future. We take our client feedback seriously and take all of it into consideration when building and improving new features. We hope you will stick with us and continue to provide this vital feedback.



  • Sector:Vastgoed
  • Bedrijfsgrootte:2-10 werknemers
  • Dagelijks 2+ jaar lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling7.0/10

Appfolio is great! But on the pricey side

Beoordeeld op 8-2-2024

I still compare my new property management software that we use to Appfolio. There are things I...

I still compare my new property management software that we use to Appfolio. There are things I miss about it, but both have their pros and cons. However, with competitors offering equivalent software functionality while also being cheaper, we ultimately chose to switch to a different company for our property management software needs.


Appfolio is ubiquitous and versatile in its uses, and its design is easy to figure out and navigate. I most frequently used it for keeping track of rent payments, communications with tenants, track/generate/sign leases, and for tenants to use its tenant portal.

We liked that tenants were able to pay their rent at 7-11. Surprisingly, a high percentage of tenants opted to do this as opposed to setting up payments via credit card on their tenant portal.

The software itself ran smoothly, had no shortages or timeouts in the 6 years we used it, and didn't take up a lot of memory to run on our computers. We liked the phone app as well.


The company I worked for did not use the banking and accounting elements of the software to their full potential, due difficulties with the owners using Plaid via Appfolio to connect to their bank accounts, as well as privacy concerns with other owners who used the software as well. This made accounting/reconciliation difficult.

The cost of the software is what ultimately lead us to decide to go with a different property management software. We could get all the same functionalities except two , plus more privacy, for 2/3 of the cost with a different property management software.

One thing we really like about our new software that Appfolio doesn't have is the ability to sign documents besides the lease within a Docusign subplatform within the software, which is a feature we really like and will use extensively in our new property management software.



  • Sector:Vastgoed
  • Bedrijfsgrootte:2-10 werknemers
  • Dagelijks 6-12 maanden lang gebruikt
  • Bron van de reviewer


  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
  • Gebruiksgemak
  • Klantenondersteuning
  • Waarschijnlijkheid van aanbeveling7.0/10


Beoordeeld op 28-11-2022

I do enjoy it, the customer services has been amazing to work with. We are still getting used to...

I do enjoy it, the customer services has been amazing to work with. We are still getting used to the program, and how to best use it.


I like the ease of use, and the easy access for tenants. I love the dashboard, and unit turn. It would be nice to see some tweeks on the dashboard to make it more personable. Texting feature is by far our favorite.


The way deposits are processed. We run ours in/out of that account. I don't like that it meshes into the owners account and makes their reports really sloppy and full of info they don't want to be bothered with. I wish the owners reports were easier, P & L version is the ones my owners like, but they are really difficult in appfolio, becuase they are 1-31st of the month only.

Overwogen alternatieven

Yardi Voyager

Redenen om voor AppFolio Property Manager te kiezen

We had the really old version of yardi and did alot of our stuff with paper trails. It was time to update and get on cloud

Redenen om over te stappen op AppFolio Property Manager

I liked the online signature option, and the texting

5 van 1.891 worden weergegevenLees alle reviews

AppFolio Property Manager - Veelgestelde vragen

Hieronder zie je enkele veelgestelde vragen over AppFolio Property Manager.

V. Welke prijsmodellen heeft AppFolio Property Manager te bieden?

AppFolio Property Manager kent de volgende prijsmodellen:

  • Vanaf:US$1,49/maand
  • Prijsmodel:Abonnement
  • Gratis proef:Beschikbaar

V. Wat zijn de typische gebruikers van AppFolio Property Manager?

AppFolio Property Manager heeft de volgende typische klanten:

Zelfstandig ondernemer, 2-10, 11-50, 51-200, 201-500, 501-1.000, 1.001-5.000

V. Welke talen worden door AppFolio Property Manager ondersteund?

AppFolio Property Manager ondersteunt de volgende talen:


V. Biedt AppFolio Property Manager ondersteuning voor mobiele apparaten?

AppFolio Property Manager ondersteunt de volgende apparaten:

Android (mobiel), iPhone (mobiel), iPad (mobiel)

V. Met welke andere apps kan AppFolio Property Manager worden geïntegreerd?

AppFolio Property Manager kan worden geïntegreerd met de volgende toepassingen:

ButterflyMX, Conservice ESG, Happy Property, Homebase, Knock, NetVendor, Opiniion, RentCheck, ShowMojo, zInspector

V. Welke mate van ondersteuning heeft AppFolio Property Manager te bieden?

AppFolio Property Manager biedt de volgende ondersteuningsopties:

E-mail/helpdesk, Veelgestelde vragen/forum, Kennisbank, Telefonische ondersteuning, Chatten

Gerelateerde categorieën

Bekijk alle softwarecategorieën die gevonden zijn voor AppFolio Property Manager.

  • Software voor het beheer van woonwagenparken
  • Software voor verenigingen
  • Vermogensbeheer software
  • Vastgoedbeheer software
  • VVE-software
  • Leasing software
  • Gebouwinspectie software
  • Software voor commercieel vastgoed
  • Boekhoudsoftware voor vermogensbeheer
  • Software voor commercieel vastgoedbeheer
  • Software voor appartementbeheer
AppFolio Property Manager (2024)
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Article information

Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

Last Updated:

Views: 6384

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.