City of Miami Building Permit Fee Schedule (2024)


Section 10-4. Building permit fee schedule


  • Dry runis defined as the process of plans signed and sealed by the design team submitted for building permit but with a building permit application without having a contractor.
  • Master permitis a building permit obtained for the complete work on any project.
  • Private providermeans a person who can provide alternate plans review under F.S. § 553.791 and is licensed as an engineer under F.S. ch. 471 or as an architect under F.S. ch. 481, as amended.
  • Stand-alone permitis any trade (electrical, mechanical or plumbing) permit pulled for a single category without the need for a master permit.
  • Trade permitis a subsidiary building, electrical, mechanical or plumbing permit that requires a master permit associated with it to be pulled prior to issuance.
  • Up-front feeis the fee associated and charged at the time of submittal of a set of plans and building permit application.

General fee information

(1) Building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical permit fees.

a. Residential (up to three dwelling units): For all residential properties, any trade or master building permit will be charged 0.50 of the estimated construction cost (including labor and materials) for new construction or additions, and 0.50 of the estimated construction cost for all remodeling permits. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the building permit fee for residential improvements where the amount of estimated construction is less than $2,500.00 shall be fixed at $45.00.

b. Commercial and multifamily master permit, trade permit and stand-alone permit fee: For a building whose estimated construction cost is equal to or less than $30,000,000.00 is one percent of the cost of construction as per Miami-Dade County Code Compliance minimum construction cost value. For projects were the construction cost exceeds $30,000,000.00, the fee will be the same as above up to $30,000,000.00, plus one-half percent of the amount in excess of the $30,000,000.00.

c. Minimum permit fee, applicable to any building permit, shop drawing, or revision of any category regardless of construction cost or number of pages: $110.00.

d. Phased permit fee: Any phased permit issued in accordance with the Florida Building Code

(FBC 105.13) will be valid for six months from the issuance date. No extensions will be issued to the phased permits by the building official. These permits will be charged a $1,500.00 fee, plus any other applicable surcharges as defined or required by the surcharges section.

e. Fee for work started without permits: When work is commenced prior to obtaining a required permit, a fee of two times that specified in this section, plus a $110.00 fine shall be paid. The payment of such fees shall not relieve any person, firm, or corporation from fully complying with all of the requirements of all applicable regulations and codes, nor shall it relieve them from being subject to any of the penalties therein. The fee requirement shall be applicable to all trade divisions of the building department.

f. The building department will modify the permit fee calculation using the Engineering News Record- Building Cost Index (ENR-BCI) published each January. A credit will be applied to the total cost of the building permit fee using the ENR-BCI should the ENR-BCI increase.

(2) Surcharges.For all permits issued, the building department will collect the following surcharges for the State of Florida, Miami-Dade County and other city departments:

a. State of Florida surcharges.

1. State of Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR).

2. State of Florida Building Code Administrators and Inspectors (BCAI).

b. Miami-Dade County Code compliance surcharges.

c. City solid waste surcharge.

1. Residential.$0.22 per $100.00 of the estimated cost of construction with a minimum fee of $26.00 and a maximum fee of $600.00.

2. Commercial.Permits for all building a surcharge of two and one-half percent of the cost of construction with a minimum of $57.00 and a maximum of $10,500.00.

3. Exemptions.The following are exempt from this surcharge: signs, landscaping, elevators, revisions, subsidiary permits, roofing, awning, windows and doors, shed, flooring, driveways, and any affordable housing permit that the city director of community development exempts in writing prior to the issuance of the permit.

d. City energy conservation surcharge.

1. This charge encompasses energy conservation plan review and field inspections for such energy conservation.
2. For each square foot of new construction or an addition, $0.11.

(3) Miscellaneous permits and inspections fees.

a. Private provider fee.When a property owner uses the services of a licensed private company for plan review and inspections services (a private provider under F.S. § 553.791), the fee will be assessed as a regular building permit with a credit of one-third of the original building/trade permit fee line. If only the plan review or the inspections are done by the private provider, then the fee will be one-half of the one-third credit stipulated above.

b. Dry run/upfront fees.At the time of issuance of the permit application process number assigned by the building department, the projects will be charged $2.80 per $1,000.00 of the estimated construction value. Eighty percent of the total collected amount for this item, will be credited towards the building permit fee line when issued. No credit will be issued if there is no issuance of a permit, a substantial design is submitted, or the permit is not issued after 180 days of the last review. Dry run and upfront fees are not refundable, however they will be fully credited towards the cost of the building permit.

c. Joint plan reviews.Each meeting with city staff, $276.00.

d. Revision of plans and re-works.Revision of plans (per discipline) and reworks, after the second review, $56.00.

e. 40/50 year recertification.Recertification of buildings are required pursuant to the requirements of the Miami-Dade County Board of Rules and Appeals (BORA) standing order, and Miami- Dade County Code Chapter 8. Recertification review for compliance with 40/50 year recertification, $276.00 fee. Any extension request by the owner of a property after receipt of a notification letter from the city that the property must prove they are in compliance with the 40/50 year recertification will be assessed a $500.00 for each additional three-month extension, with a maximum of two possible extensions after the original notification letter.

f. Permit by affidavit, and legalization of existing structures.The permits issued by affidavit and legalizations of structures built without permits before the year 2002, will be charged a fee of $250.00, in addition to any other applicable enforcement fee, building and trade permit fee. For those structures built after 2002, they will be charged with a double permit fee and fine where applicable using subsection 10-4(b)(1) above.

g. Annual facility permit fee.These permits will be issued with a two percent fee based on the intended annual work schedule cost per building or trade.

h. Commercial engineered or structural glazing and curtain walls.A $150.00 fee for compliance with the recertification, every six months for the first year after receiving the certificate of occupancy (C.O.), and a fee of $300.00 every five years after that date in accordance with the Florida Building Code.

I. Certificate of occupancy (C.O.) and certificate of compliance (C.C.).In accordance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code.

1.Residential (single family/duplex, triplex or multifamily condominium):$105.00 per unit.

2.Commercial (including multifamily rentals):$0.10 per square feet of space with a minimum of $250.00 for a C.O. and $150.00 for a C.C.

3. Extensions of T.C.O. or T.C.C.:The T.C.O. or T.C.C. can be extended two times at the same original rate charged for a period of 90 days; if further extensions would be required, they shall be charged at a rate equal to 50 percent of the building/trade permit line.

j. Expired and inactive permit applications (NAC).For those expired applications where 180 days have passed from the original application date, in accordance with the Florida Building Code (FBC105.13), the building official may extend for periods not exceeding 90 days the expiration date, if requested by the applicant in writing, explaining the need and circ*mstances for the extension. Every extension will be charged $100.00 for residential single family, duplex/triplex and $500.00 for commercial and multifamily applications. For those inactive applications (NAC), if authorized by the planning director, they will be reactivated in the system after payment of a $1,500.00, for a period of six additional months. If a permit is not obtained and construction starts within this extension time, the process number will be voided and the applicant will need to re-apply for a new application number. All fees are non-refundable if the process number is voided.

k. Expired/completion permits.Any building/trade permit may be extended once by the building official if requested prior to the permit expiration date. If the building/trade permit is expired, a completion permit will be required.

1.Extension of permit:$100.00.

2. Completion of any type of permit:For the first $1,000.00 of value of the remaining work, $32.00, plus any additional $1,000.00 or fraction, $16.00.

l. Re-inspection fees.Re-inspection fees will be charged in instances where the inspector is scheduled to visit a site, and any of the included, but not limited to the following issues occur: a contractor or builder owner receives a rejection of an inspection because a notice of commencement is not posted at the site and a copy is not provided to the inspector; the wrong address was given to visit the site to inspect; work was incomplete or not ready for inspection; the corrections given in the previous inspections were not completed; the approved set of plans or required certifications are not at the site; or no arrangement was made to allow the inspector to gain entry to the area of inspection, a fee of $57.00 will be assessed and no further inspections will be scheduled until the re-inspection fee is paid.

m. Expedited plans review of green building permit applications.Green buildings are defined as those with resource efficient design, construction, and operation by employing environmentally sensible construction practices, systems, and materials and defined as residential or commercial buildings that are registered Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ("LEED") projects, or any equivalent Green rating system. LEED is defined as the most recent Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Rating System of the U.S. Green Building Council. Expedited priority review of permit applications shall be defined as those to be reviewed prior to non-green building applications, in the order received, within the building permit review process. A non-refundable deposit, described in subsection 10-4(b)(3)m.2.iv. below will be required.

1. Green buildings eligible for priority permitting will be:

I. For buildings in excess of 50,000 square feet, and that exceed the requirements of LEED Silver certification.

ii.For buildings below 50,000 square feet, and that meet or exceed the requirements for any level of LEED certification.

2.To qualify for expedited priority review and approval of permit applications, buildings meeting the criteria above must submit to the building department:

  1. A LEED registration form;

  2. A LEED scorecard indicating all expected rating points;

iii. The name and contact information for a LEED accredited professional on the project team; and
iv. A non-refundable deposit of $500.00.

n. Expedited process of special projects.A "special project" is defined as a project having a development order, or any other project as determined by the city manager, or the building official, as having special interest to the city. The expedited service will cover the following disciplines: building, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, elevator and gas. Outside source review will be the preferred method.

1.Outside source review fee:Actual cost plus ten percent. This ten percent is the administrative fee to cover the cost of the processing.

2.In-house review fee:$276.00. Fee is per discipline, with a maximum of two reviews per fee, per discipline.

o. Application fee.All permits will be charged a non-refundable $40.00 application fee.

p. Change of architect, engineer, or contractor for any type of permit.$100.00.

q. Recertification of plans and revised plans fee, and permit card replacement.

1. When plans are lost by the owner or contractor, a recertification fee is required for a new set of plans:Thirty percent of the original fee. Minimum fee for residential/commercial uses: $100.00.

2. Revised plans and shop drawings (after approval of initial plans):

  • Per sheet revised and reviewed: $20.00.
  • Minimum fee: $100.00. Maximum fee: $5,000.00.

3.Replacement of lost permit card or replacement or duplication of plans (per sheet): $17.00.

r. Administrative services fees.

1. Computer print-out of property information, permits, inspections, etc.: $2.00 per sheet.

2. File search for every request of building department services, including notice of violations: $44.00.

3. Notarization of any document, including building permit application: $2.00.

4. Sending and receiving faxes (not related to the permitting process):

I. Local, per page: $2.00.

ii. Long distance, per page: $2.50.

5. City certification of plans: Cost of reproduction of plans plus $1.00 per page.

6. Folio change: $26.00.

s. Refunds, time limitations, revocation, etc.The fees charged pursuant to this section, provided the same are for a permit required by the Florida Building Code, may be refunded by the building department director, subject to the following:

1. No refunds shall be made where any work has commenced, except where duplicate permits are issued for the same work, in which case a refund in accordance with subsection 4. below may be granted to the original permit holder providing that the duplicate permits were issued within 90 days of each other and the request for the refund is received within 90 days of the issuance of the latter permit.

2. No refunds shall be made where a permit has become void or revoked as provided by paragraph 304.3(a) of the Florida Building Code.

3. No refunds shall be made on permit fees of $110.00 or less.

4. Refunds on permits or any item thereon, will be on a basis of 50 percent of the balance over $110.00; such refunds shall be made to the closest dollar.

5. Bonds may be required for unfinished work on temporary certificates of occupancy (T.C.O). The amount is to be established by the chief of the section(s) involved and shall be 100 percent of estimated cost of the required work. Cash bond will be refunded, less $100.00 or other bonds discharged, upon completion of required work by owner.

I. Methods for placing bonds may be:

1.Surety company issuance of bond.

2. Cash bond. Payable by cash, or certified cashier's check. A copy of signed contract with a contractor to do the work is also required.

3. Letter of credit from a guaranteed insured state certified bank. The letter shall indicate the purpose of the line of credit. A copy of signed contract with a contractor to do the work is also required.

ii. If work is done within specified time, the city will proceed to have the work done (1) through the bonding company if Method No. 1. was used; (2) through the contractor specified in the contract if Method No. 2 or Method No. 3 was used, using the proceeds from the cash bond or from the bank letter of credit.

(4) Building department enforcement fees.In compliance with the Florida Building Code, National Electrical Code, and Miami-Dade County Code Chapter 8, the following expenses will be recovered from necessary building department enforcement and/or demolitions:

a. Initiation and processing fee for all work without a permit and all unsafe structures cases after being given 90 days to comply: $500.00.

b. Digital pictures: $1.00 each.

c. Additional inspection of open non-compliant cases after being given 90 days to comply: $150.00.

d. Posting of notices: $50.00.

e.Unsafe structures panel fee: $200.00.

f. Title search will be charged: Actual cost.

g. Court reporting will be charged: Actual cost.

h. Legal advertisem*nt will charged: Actual cost.

I. Lien/recordation/cancellation of notices-each will be charged actual cost plus a $1.00 administrative fee per every ten pages.

j. Bid processing fee and contractor notice to proceed (NTP) administrative cost: $150.00.

k.Demolition/secure services will be charged actual cost.

l. Asbestos and lead environmental sampling and abatement: Actual cost.

m.Corporate information and lenders search: $25.00. n.

Extension fee (90 days, one time extension only): $150.00.

(Ord. No. 11633, § 2, 3-31-98; Ord. No. 11725, § 1, 11-17-98; Ord. No. 12030, § 2, 3-8-01; Ord. No. 12155, § 1, 11-15- 01; Ord. No. 12237, § 1, 6-13-02; Ord. No. 12663, § 1, 3-10-05; Ord. No. 12978, § 2, 5-8-08; Ord. No. 13108, § 3, 10-8- 09; Ord. No. 13200, § 2, 9-27-10; Ord. No. 13313, § 2, 2-23-12; Ord. No. 13391, § 2, 6-13-13)

City of Miami Building Permit Fee Schedule (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.