P With X Symbol or, p with x | What is it? (2024)

The Chi Rho (/ka ro/; or, Chrismon) is a Christogram. It is a combination of the first two (capital) letters of the Greek word O (Christos). They did it in such a way that the rho’s vertical stroke crosses the chi’s centre.

However, Roman Emperor Constantine used the p with x sign as part of a military standard (vexillum). We knew Constantine’s standard as the Labarum. Early symbols similar to the p with x included the Staurogram and the IX monogram.

In pre-Christian times, they used the p with the x symbol, abbreviated Christian. They also employed it to mark a particularly valuable or relevant text in the margin of a page (good). Meanwhile, on some Ptolemy III Euergetes coins, someone discovered a p with x.

Despite its Greek origins, they employed the device (or sections of it) widely as an abbreviation in Latin literature. They did that by adding appropriate endings to a Latin word, such as XPo. However, it stands for Christo, “to Christ,” the dative form of Christus.

P With X Symbol or, p with x | What is it? (1)

The p with x sign has two Unicode codepoints: U+2627 CHI RHO in the Miscellaneous symbols block and U+2CE9 COPTIC SYMBOL KHI RO in the Coptic block.

P With X Symbol History

If you want to understand more about the p with x symbol, keep reading to discover its meaning, history, and significance.

However, early Christians employed the p with x symbol to acknowledge Christ and Christianity. The popularity of the Christogram skyrocketed during the reign of Roman Emperor Constantine I in the 4th century AD when he employed it as a vexillum or battle standard.

They said that the p with x symbol appeared to Constantine in a vision before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge outside of Rome in 312 AD. The emperor had the insignia carved on his soldiers’ shields after that. After winning the fight, Constantine made Christianity legal throughout his realm. Since then, he has prominently displayed the p with x sign.

Later Christian emperors employed the p with x as a vexillum, which they named the Labarum. This symbol featured on Constantine’s and his successors’ coins.

They thought that pagans venerated the p with x symbol in ancient Greece long before Constantine and the early Christians. They did so because they believed the emblem brought good prosperity.

Pagan Greek used the p with x sign, which means “Chreston,” which translates to “excellent”. He did that to mark noteworthy portions. We also found the emblem o. Ptolemy 3 coins. However, they minted it between 246 and 222 BCE.

P With X Catholic Symbol

The p with x symbol is the combination of the letters X and P from the English alphabet. However, Greek letters are the origin of the symbol. The letters chi and rho resemble the English characters X and P. It’s the first two letters of the Greek word for “Christ.”

However, some people represent the Greek letters alpha and omega flanking the p with x in Christian art. It symbolizes Jesus Christ as the Alpha and Omega. That is the Beginning and the End. Although we used these letters to construct the Greek name “Christ.” However, nobody mentioned the p with x sign in the Bible.

Christians have also used the p with x symbol to signify Christ and Christianity for millennia. People, on the other hand, employed this Christogram as a good-luck charm and a talisman for warding off evil.

P With X Symbol meaning

The p with x, also known as the Christogram, Chrismon, or Labarum, is a monogram of Christ.

The p with x symbol is the combination of the letters X and P from the English alphabet. However, Greek letters are the origin of the symbol. Meanwhile, the letters chi and rho resemble the English characters X and P. However, they found the Greek characters chi and rho at the start of the word “Christos,” which means “Christ” in English.

P With X Symbol or, p with x | What is it? (2)

P With X Symbol Origin

Constantine dreamed, where God instructed him to put a “heavenly divine emblem” on the shields of his soldiers. Lactantius told this, who is a Latin historian of North African roots. Emperor Constantine the Great (r. 306–337) spared him from poverty and made him his son’s teacher. According to Lactantius, the actual emblem chosen by Emperor Constantine the next morning resembled a Tau-Rho or a staurogram, a comparable Christian symbol. Constantine’s troops defeated Maxentius’ soldiers at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (312), just outside Rome, on that exact day.

Eusebius of Caesarea (died in 339) gave two separate descriptions of the events. Eusebius does not mention any dream or vision in his church history, written immediately after the fight and before he met Constantine, but he parallels Maxentius’ (drowned in the Tiber) loss to that of the biblical pharaoh and attributes Constantine’s success to divine protection.

P With X Symbol or, p with x | What is it? (3)


Everyone thought to have a miraculous manifestation of Gaul long before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge. , according to a chronicle of the Roman emperor written by Eusebius after Constantine’s death (On the Life of Constantine, about 337–339). Constantine noticed a cross of light imposed over the sun at noon. The phrase “Ev t N!” was written with Greek characters on it. The miracle was witnessed by the entire army, not only Constantine. In a dream that night, Christ appeared to the Roman emperor and urged him to create a copy of the sign he had seen in the sky, which would serve as a reliable combat defence.

Late in life, “when I was thought worthy of his friendship and companionship,” Eusebius wrote in the Vita that Constantine himself had told him this account “and verified it with oaths.” “Indeed,” Eusebius argues, “it would not have been easy to accept this account if it had been delivered by anybody else.”

Emperor Constantine employed the labarum, a military standard that included the p with x sign, in his later wars against Licinius, according to Eusebius.

P With X Symbol Uses

The use of a wreath around the p with x is an early visual representation of the connection between Jesus’ crucifixion and his resurrection, as seen in the 4th-century sarcophagus of Domitilla in Rome. It symbolises the victory of the Resurrection over death.

The p with x became part of the official imperial symbol after Constantine. Archaeologists have discovered evidence that the p with x was emblazoned on certain Late Roman soldiers’ helmets. The p with x appeared on coins and medallions struck during Emperor Constantine’s reign. The p with x began to be utilised on Christian sarcophagi and frescoes around the year 350.

On the reverse of several coins issued in 353, the usurper Magnentius appears to have been the first to adopt the p with x monogram flanked by Alpha and Omega. A tessellated mosaic pavement was discovered in Roman Britannia in 1963 at Hinton St. Mary, Dorset. The central roundel depicts a beardless male head and bust wrapped in a pallium in front of the p with x symbol, flanked by pomegranates, emblems of endless life, and is dated to the 4th century on stylistic grounds. At the site of a villa at Lullingstone, another Romano-British p with x was discovered in fresco (illustrated). In Britain, the symbol was also found on Late Roman Christian signet rings.

Archaeologists uncovered a 5th-century chalice decorated in religious artwork, including the p with x, in Vindolanda, northern England, in 2020.

P With X Symbol Uses In books

They marked the beginning of Matthew 1:18, at the end of his account of Christ’s genealogy and introducing his account of his life, thus symbolising the moment of Christ’s Incarnation, with a heavily decorated page, with the letters of the first word “Christi” abbreviated and written in Greek as “XPI,” and often almost submerged by decoration. We know them as p with x pages because they write the letters one after the other. However, they didn’t merge the “X” and “P” in a monogram.

The Book of Kells and the Book of Lindisfarne are two well-known examples. In the works of Isidore of Seville and other patristic and Early Medieval writers, people recognise the “X” as the crux decussata, a sign of the cross. On folio 124 of the Book of Kells, a second p with x abbreviation appears in the description of Christ’s Crucifixion, and in some manuscripts, the p with x appears at the beginning of Matthew rather than in the middle of the text at Matthew 1:18. Other texts, such as the Carolingian Godescalc Evangelistary, feature “XPS” in sequential letters, which stands for “Christus.”

P X symbol Catholic Church

Few other Catholic Church symbols except p with x are as follows.


A crucifix is a cross with a figure of Jesus Christ’s body. This is a popular Catholic symbol that we frequently display on or above the altar where we celebrate the Eucharist.

Alpha and Omega

The Greek alphabet’s beginning and last letters are alpha and omega. They utilize this throughout the Church’s liturgical year on various occasions. Since the fourth century, Catholics have used the alpha and omega as symbols to signify orthodox Christians’ faith in God’s canonical proofs.

The Cross

The cross is the most well-known and often used Christian emblem. It can be found in any place where there is a Christian presence. They used to use this cross to torment and humiliate offenders in Roman times. They also executed prisoners on crosses.

The Sacred Heart

They represent the Sacred Heart as a blazing heart in Catholic art generally. They frequently pierce it (probably by a lance), ringed by a crown of thorns, topped by a cross, and bleeding. One can notice it sometimes in Jesus Christ’s bosom. The wound, thorns, and blood symbolise the crucifixion, while the flames reflect the transformational power of divine love.

IHS and p with x

Liturgical objects, building plaques, gravestones, and sacred utensils frequently have the letters IHS. IHS is an abbreviated version of the Greek word “IHY,” which means “Jesus.”

Aside from the characters X and P, the letters X and P are frequently utilised as symbols for Christ. In Greek, the first two letters of Christ’s name are X and P. The Greek letters X and P stand for “CH” and “R,” respectively. The p with x cross, also known as the p with x cross, is a cosmic and solar symbol made up of letters engraved one above the other and occasionally wrapped within a circle.

The Fish

The fish is one of the oldest Christian symbols. Christians utilised it to identify themselves and each other, especially during persecution. It’s frequently discovered in the Roman catacombs, a secret meeting spot for Christians persecuted by the Romans for their faith.


The fleur-de-lis is a stylised lily made up of three petals that are joined at the base. The lily has long symbolised divinity and has been utilised in various places throughout history, such as the emblem featured on the royal arms of France (a historically Catholic nation).

The Dove

The dove is a white bird that is frequently depicted in Catholic art as gracefully flying before a dazzling aura of light. The dove occasionally carries an olive branch in its beak.

Crossed Keys

Crossed keys, or the Keys of Heaven, are a pair of keys that overlap and interlock to form an “X” in Christian art. They utilised the keys as ecclesiastical heraldry, papal coats of arms, and sacred symbolism.

The Lamb

The Lamb is one of Christ’s most prominent symbols. He referred to Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God in John 1:35-36 and Revelation 5:6-14, as well as throughout the Mass.

Frequently Asked Questions about P with X symbol

What does the symbol P with an X mean?

The monogram, which resembles a P and an X, consists of the first two letters of the Greek name for Christ, Chi (X) and Rho (Rho) (P). Early Christians employed emblems. Roman Emperor Constantine originated the emblem. He used it as a military symbol.

What is IHS and Chi Rho?

The p with x symbol is the combination of the letters X and P from the English alphabet. However, Greek letters are the origin of the symbol. The letters chi and rho resemble the English characters X and P. It’s the first two letters of the Greek word for “Christ.”

Some people represent the Greek letters alpha and omega flanking the p with x in Christian art. It symbolizes Jesus Christ as the Alpha and Omega.

What does the Chi symbol mean?

Chi (uppercase X, lowercase X) is the Greek alphabet’s 22nd letter. We use the uppercase letter chi (X) frequently to abbreviate Christ’s name, as in “Xmas.” The lowercase chi represents chi distribution in statistics and magnetic susceptibility in physics.

What is the powerful symbol of Catholicism?

The crucifix, unlike other Christian religions who simply use the cross, is a powerful emblem of Catholicism, expressing the central tenet of Catholicism: that Jesus died on the cross to rescue humanity.

Is IHS a Catholic symbol?

Franciscans employed IHS in the Middle Ages, and the Jesuits translated it as Isum Hummus Sodium (“We have Jesus as our Companion”) during the Catholic Reformation (the period of Catholic reform that began in 1543 with the Council of Trent).

What was a common symbol of early Christianity?

The cross has become the worldwide symbol of Christianity today. It wasn’t always like this. Other symbols used in the early decades after Jesus Christ’s death included a dove, a ship, an anchor, and a lyre. The fish is the most well-known of these early emblems.

What is the most important symbol in Christianity?

Superimposing the first two (capital) letters chi and rho from the Greek word, they created a monogram of p with x. They formed the monogram in such a way that “O” means Christ. Roman emperor Constantine employed the emblem as vexillum. However, they utilized it widely in early Christianity.

What does the fish symbolize in the Bible?

Beyond its historical significance, the enormous fish represents God’s deliverance and mercy. The fish was certainly Jonah’s way of salvation, according to the storey. It was also a symbol of the greater salvation that Christ provided.

What does the sun symbolize in Christianity?

The sun represents the following in Christian Scripture: Psalm 19:4–7 describes God’s law. Psalm 72:5, 17 – Constancy Psalm 84:11 describes God’s presence.

What does the sun symbolize spiritually?

We use the terms “symbol” and “symbolism” interchangeably. The sun has a symbol consisting of a circle that represents spirit. It is an original symbol that denotes the completion of the Great Work. The sun will symbolise life, power, and influence. He will represent energy, willpower, clarity, and self-awareness.

Does Jesus mean the sun?

Christians adopted the image of the Sun (Helios or Sol Invictus) to symbolise Christ. In this depiction, Jesus is a beardless person in a flowing cloak riding atop a chariot. It had four white horses in front.

P With X Symbol or, p with x | What is it? (2024)
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