Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (2024)

Wrong Prescription, Unusable Glasses and Delay Past Warranty

Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (1)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (2)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (3)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (4)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (5)By I feel robbed -

Rating: 1/51

BROCKTON, MASSACHUSETTS -- For many years, I would have my eyes examined at an optometry practice next to a high fashion eyewear store, but take my prescription to the local Walmart Vision Center for a fair price. Before Covid, for example, I got my first Progressive lenses at Walmart and was 100% satisfied. Fashionable frames and Zeiss lenses. Fast forward to October 2021 and I had my eyes examined by the independent optometrist who rents space at my Walmart Vision Center. Afterwards, I ordered new glasses from the Walmart optical technician who said I'd be getting Zeiss lenses again.

Walmart apparently changed to a low-bid optical lab far away, because it took a month for my new glasses to arrive and they were unusable. Returned them next day and spoke with a different technician who explained that Walmart doesn't carry Zeiss lenses anymore. Didn't recognize the name of the maker. The post was so narrow I couldn't read more than the width of one newspaper column without turning my head from side to side. And the prescription was ground so low on the lenses that to see through the top, the long distance part, while driving, I had to tip my head backwards.

The technician measured the position of the script in the new lenses comparing them to my old glasses. She agreed that the lab must have made a mistake and ordered the lenses remade. For $90 more, she ordered Nikon lenses. My new frames were the same make and model as my old ones.

As soon as I put on the new glasses I felt that something was wrong, but since my prescription had been changed, I thought I just had to adjust to them. Unfortunately, I would return to the Vision Center three more times asking the technicians for help. With the new glasses, I could not focus both eyes at the same time on any image, sign or word. If an image was in focus for one eye, I had to slightly turn and tilt my head to bring it into focus for the other eye. The technicians tried bending the frame and adjusting the earpieces, but only provided the slightest improvement. I could not read a book for more than a few minutes without feeling strained.

Finally, I asked to speak with the optometrist who had given me the prescription. Her greeting was a curt, "Why are you here?" She took my glasses away for a few minutes, returned and gave the glasses to a technician who could only apologize that since more than 60 days had passed, she could not refund my money.

Including the cost of the eye exam, $442. down the toilet. I have since learned that the optometrist did not correctly compensate for my astigmatism. Please learn from my mistake. Have your eyes examined by an ophthalmologist (MD) or at a thriving, independent optometry practice. You get what you pay for.

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Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (11)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (12)

Wrong prescription & no cooperation

Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (13)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (14)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (15)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (16)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (17)By Gail -

Rating: 1/51

CATONSVILLE, MARYLAND -- I had an appointment for an eye exam for glasses at the Catonsville, MD Walmart on June 22, 2022. I ordered graduated bifocals and went to pick them up a week later. I tried them on and everything was fuzzy when I tried to read with them. I had to lean my head way back and look through the extreme bottom edge of the lenses to get a clear image. The technician told me that that was normal and I'd get used to it. I said it was uncomfortable and an unnatural position and that I wanted them remade. She acted put out but went to the optometrist (the same one who did my exam) to discuss my complaint. He rewrote the prescriptions and new glasses were ordered.

When I went to pick them up I found that everything was very fuzzy, near and far. I told the technician that I couldn't see with them on and she just sat and stared at me. I said I wanted them remade again, and she continued to sit and stare, doing nothing. I finally insisted and said I would not accept them. She acted as though I was being unreasonable but went to discuss my demand with the same optometrist as before. When she returned, she related that he said I'd "just have to get used to them" (even though I couldn't see)! I refused the glasses and asked for a refund which was given to me unhappily.

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Got Glasses In April, 2 Weeks Later Contacted For Help, Put Me Off Till 30 Day Warranty Out.

Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (23)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (24)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (25)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (26)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (27)By steve -

Rating: 1/51

CORINTH, MISSISSIPPI -- In April I got a new pair of glasses, progressive Nikon lens, through Walmart. They recommended these lens because of weight and new technology, I got prescription same day. They cost $100 more than other name brand with same features, except the Nikon had an anti-glare coating. Within 2 weeks I contacted Walmart by phone, 40 miles away, and was told they would check with Nikon and get back with me within 48 hrs. I was having to clean lens almost hourly, blurring on lens, no fingerprints, am 60 and been in glasses since I was 9. I know how to handle my glasses.

Called back in 5 days. Said no response from Nikon, give them a few more days, they would contact them that day by phone. Eventually without any more contact from Walmart, their 30 day return, refund ran out. Still no answer, though I've contacted them 10 times since May. But today when I called, I asked them to look up my last purchase and I wanted to have the same lens put in 2 of my old frames for backups. Was given price and again asked about the amount of cleaning I was having to do, they asked what I was cleaning with. I had purchased a cleaning kit w/ spray bottle and microfiber cloth in April.

They said that it was because of the anti-glare protective coating Nikon uses, no way to get lens without, though they charge extra for it??? So I contacted Nikon, they said lens were made to be cleaned w/ warm soapy water and use a soft cloth, chamois, for drying, never use the other alcohol based products Walmart sold me, and said the microfiber actually deposited anything on it to the lens every time I used it. I can see better out of these lens than any in last 5 years, but I now believe it's because I changed eye drs and got a better prescription fit, not better lens.

Now neither Walmart nor Nikon will help me in any way. Cost total w/ eye exam, frames and lens, bought cheap lens to try, was planning on using old, both less than 2 years old frames, 358.00. Been paying $420 for better frames at regular eye dr, but lost confidence in them because I still couldn't see. Big difference in new lens script, compared to old ones. Last eye exam w/ old dr was in January, 2016, either outdated equipment or poor dr service/knowledge. Really has me over a barrel.

Can go back to Walmart and get them cheaper, but I believe customer service, before and after purchase is worth something. Something you don't get from Walmart and Nikon lens only sold through Walmart, ought to tell you something if no other optometrists are using Nikon lens. Have tried Nikon's solution for cleaning, works a little better, but still cleaning them 4 times a day just to watch tv or read.

Walmart used to be the place to go for good quality and customer service. When my kids were at home we used them exclusively for 3 of 5 who needed glasses. Now I don't step into a Walmart store unless I have to, being in a small town my options are limited. Since Walmart has moved into every corner of America and put all the little guys out of business, they no longer have the best prices, sales people have no product knowledge, managers don't seem concerned at all, and this is the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back for me.

These glasses will go to the local nursing home as soon as I get another pair I'm ordering online. Frames, lens, shipping, with 30 day money back any reason, for $171 delivered in 10-14 days. I urge everyone to always use the review system before you buy from anybody. Things have changed. It's a one shot deal now with most larger, nationwide companies, they don't care about or need repeat business. Let's let them operate as they please, but spend our money where it gets us what we want.

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Defective Product Sold and They Are Unwilling to Do Anything

Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (33)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (34)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (35)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (36)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (37)By wfowler72 -

Rating: 1/51

WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO -- If you are even thinking about purchasing glasses, lenses or anything at the vision center think long and hard. I have been purchasing glasses here for years for my kids and myself. We bought lenses for my husband and myself here in 4/2015 and the lenses are the worst. We spent $430 on just his lenses and they are saying we did not purchase a warranty. Who would spend that much on one set of lenses and not spend the $25 on a warranty? It doesn't even make sense. I filed a complaint and have even offered to pay for the warranty and was told "no" and the best they can do is a 20% discount to replace the lenses.

It is actually insulting to know how much they care about long time customers. The product they sold was crap and they won't do anything to remedy the situation. I have recommended them for years but now I will tell anyone who asks to NOT purchase anything from them. So basically I'm out a total of $660.00 for lenses that are crap...

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Misinformation given.. Did Not Do Refraction or RX.

Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (43)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (44)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (45)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (46)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (47)By Mary -

Rating: 1/51

PHOENIX, ARIZONA -- On August 3, 2019, seen Dr. ** for a referral to a Eye Surgeon for a serious cataract. Dr. ** checked my right eye cataract giving me a referral. He asked if I wanted a refraction and RX? I said maybe after my surgery. Also added not covered by insurance 60.00 charge. Asked if I needed a RX said maybe after the surgery. Why would I need a RX for glasses? My vision would change for the better after the surgery.

A appointment was made for December 4, 2019 for glasses and exam. Again ** said 60.00 for the refraction. Checking with the benefits my insurance stated you have a bundle... Exam, refraction, RX on your policy. For your 20.00 co-pay. Prior to my August 3, appointment My insurance card was given and would check on my vision benefits. I called on November 26, and was told ** gave me a RX and did refraction... A very false statement. Now I have to wait for the following year 2020 to have a eye exam. I am very angry that a Medical Provider would make such a false statement to prevent the patient from receiving benefits. What insurance has provided with false statements.

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Cheap Lenses Are Crap

Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (53)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (54)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (55)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (56)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (57)By Mad in Alabama -

Rating: 1/51

SYLACAUGA, ALABAMA -- I had to get eyes checked this year (2019) so I went to eye doctor and got new prescription. Since Walmart advertises how low price they are I went to them instead of using the eyeglass business located in the doctor's office. Bad mistake. Walmart had three different types of lenses so I bought the cheapest not thinking the quality would be so terrible even though naturally the two higher priced lenses should be better.

I would blame myself if I had been told how bad the quality was of the cheapest lens and that I would find them fogging up and staying dirty looking all the time and that I would find focusing would be so hard to do. Walmart should not even offer such a piece of crap in my opinion. I will never buy anything else from them. Not good to treat the elderly this way who are on a fixed income.

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Vision Center

Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (63)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (64)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (65)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (66)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (67)By J. -

Rating: 1/51

SOMERSWORTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE -- I'm not sure what kind of people you have running your counter at the Vision Center but they all seem pretty incompetent & do not seem to know what they are doing. I've talked to 3 different people in 2 days and got 3 different stories. The way information is getting entered seems to be not working for your guys. Why can't I not order contacts over the phone?

Why does Walmart have a policy where you can't place orders over the phone? Especially if you really need them, no. I have to take time out of my job which helps me pay for contacts to go to the store so you can swipe my card!!! 'Real logical right there." I spoke to a woman named Carry who stated she was a vision manager in Somersworth, NH but she was rude & very unprofessional. Not customer service like at all. I will be reporting her to the BBB.

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Really Poor Glasses

Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (73)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (74)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (75)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (76)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (77)By Patricia -

Rating: 1/51

GREELEY, COLORADO, COLORADO -- A week ago I ordered glasses. I had ordered glasses from Walmart Vision Center in the past. When I went to get my glasses ordered the person I was dealing with, Miss, said that I am getting the same lenses as what I had in my previous pair. She never said anything about there were other styles of lenses just that I was getting the same as I had on my previous pair. Today I go to pick up my glasses. Not only can I not see well out of them, yes I know they are new and I need to time for adjustment but this is nothing adjustment will take care of, the sides of my glasses are very blurry.

I was told that I have gotten the cheapest pair of lenses and thus I have that Vision Distortion and that's just the way it is. The salesperson said in a very rude manner that in order to upgrade it would be another hundred and seventy some odd dollars. I am not a popper I do not need to be condescended and be told that I only got the cheap pair because I could not afford the others. They are rude. Their products are low-grade inferior. And the salespeople are beyond condescending and rude. I will never go to them again. I am getting my money back.

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Purchasing Glasses From Walmart

Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (83)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (84)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (85)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (86)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (87)By Kelsyro -

Rating: 1/51

WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO -- I purchased a glasses from Walmart a few years ago to use as a second pair if my regular ones broke. I took frames to them and just ordered new bifocal lenses for them. When I received them, they supposedly put my lenses into different frames and could not find my frames. They assured me it was my prescription in the new frames. I have had no reason to use these until recently and I can't see anything close up out of them. I took the to my eye doctor and another vision center (not Walmart) and was told that the frames were too small for my bifocals and that's why I could not see out of them.

I called Walmart, was put on hold for fifteen minutes to be told they wouldn't do anything about it because it was over 30 days. I spoke with the corporate office and was told the same thing. Now I am stuck with lenses that don't work, frames that are too small for my prescription and they never did find my old frames. I will never go to Walmart for glasses again!

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Refund for Damaged Product

Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (93)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (94)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (95)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (96)Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (97)By mommybot -

Rating: 1/51

OREGON -- I purchased an eyeglass case through It broke inside after one night. So I went on the Walmart website and it stated that I had to contact Unique Bargains a third party vendor. I did that and they told me right away that I did not have to return the item, they would refund my money. They had to send it directly to Walmart because they did not handle the refunds.

I have contacted Walmart 3 times over the past 2 months and each time I received a confirmation number and a promise that it would be escalated to a manager. No response at all for the past 2 months. It is so ridiculous the customer service that you receive there. I guess they just expect you to give up, so they can keep your money.

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Top 10 Reviews of Wal-Mart Vision Center (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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