Vs. Sonic.Exe Minus (Hottler) (2024)

Vs. Sonic.EXE Minus is a fan-made minus recreation of the mod Vs. Sonic.Exe that centers various Sonic.exe creepypastas and other media, most notably, original, created by Hottler which puts all the characters into the style of Friday Night Funkin' Minus. Unlike EMERALD Zone's Minus Sonic.exe, this mod focuses on the entirety of Round Two and its characters and new forms of old characters.

  • Sonic.EXE

  • Soul Tails

  • Soul Knuckles

  • Soul Robotnik

  • Majin Sonic

  • Lord X

  • Sunky.MPEG

  • Sanic.EXE

  • Tails Doll

  • Fleetway Super Sonic

  • EXE


― Sonic.EXE, Sonic.EXE Vs. Sonic.Exe Minus (Hottler) (1)

Minus Sonic.EXE is the minus version of Sonic.Exe appearing nearly the same in story and intentions except he's much more powerful, having the ability to transform certain body parts into weapons and appear much more unsettling as seen with his ability to spawn multiple eyes.


Minus Sonic.Exe is a minus version of Sonic.Exe where he has blue fur and a teal belly, a large head that resembles his icon with large black eyes and small red pupils, and fuzzy fur on his arms. He wears a dark gray trench coat with red horn-like shoulderpads, ripped crimson fingerless gloves exposing all his fingers, a red mic with purple wings, handle, and a red glowing eye at the top, and metal crimson shoes with two spikes on them. His mic also turns completely purple for his left and up poses. His left hand is also capable of changing form into weapons, with a chainsaw for his up pose, and a pick for his left hand.

In You Can't Run, he becomes bigger and his belly now has a hole filled with small white eyes. His left arm is now an pick with a dark red eye on it, while his right arm stays the same but his pointer finger slowly morphs into a weapon. This is evident as his poses show his right hand morphing into a chainsaw (up) and a long claw (right).

In Triple Trouble, he gains his iconic crystallizing purple spines on his head and back and his fur color is that of his original icon. His body is also littered with black patches, each having a red eye, even on his purplish pick hand. His down pose shifts his left hand into a large blade. On his up pose, he is seen holding a Madness Combat grunt with purple frills.

Minus Sonic.Exe's V2 appearance is the same but his shoulderpads are smaller and has less fur on his arms while his V1 appearance is very different where he has some goop akin to the Corruption with his legs, feet, and arms somewhat assimilated with his right missing. His left arm resembles a spring and is connected to his red microphone while his left leg is seen dripping and wet from the strange substance. His poses show that he is able to control this substance, from changing its color to black, changing his face into a smiley (up), to wholly taking over him (right), to even morphing into a pick (down).


  • Both his hands are capable of turning into weapons, notably, a chainsaw, a pick, a small blade, and a long claw. This is seen in his up and left poses (Normal), his up, left, and right poses (You Can't Run), and majority of Triple Trouble.
    • His left hand is also capable of receding its hands, turning into a whip.
  • His right pose replaces his eyes with multiple smaller eyes and the back of his head gets covered in many tiny holes which could trigger trypophobia. This is also seen in You Can't Run with his appearance, his laughing animation and his right pose.
  • Gigyas can be seen briefly during Sonic.Exe's talking animation.


  • Current

  • Spritesheets

Too Slow Static idle.

You Can't Run Static idle.

You Can't Run poses

You Can't Run Left pose

You Can't Run Down pose

You Can't Run Up pose

You Can't Run Right pose


You Can't Run Static Left pose

You Can't Run Static Down pose

You Can't Run Static Up pose

You Can't Run Static Right pose

Static laughing

You Can't Run Static idle.

You Can't Run poses

You Can't Run Left pose

You Can't Run Down pose

You Can't Run Up pose

You Can't Run Right pose

Triple Trouble Static idle

Triple Trouble poses

Triple Trouble Left pose

Triple Trouble Down pose

Triple Trouble Down pose

Triple Trouble Right Pose

Triple Trouble Static Left Pose

Triple Trouble Static Down Pose

Triple Trouble Static Up Pose

Triple Trouble Static Right Pose

Jumpscare (Static)

Too Slow spritesheet (V3)

You Can't Run spritesheet

You Can't Run Pixel spritesheet

Triple Trouble spritesheet

Too Slow pritesheet (V2)

Jumpscare spritesheet (V2)

Game Over spritesheet (V2)

Too Slow spritesheet (V1)

Game Over spritesheet (V1)

Soul Tails[]

Minus Soul Tails is the minus version of Soul Tails and is the first victim by Sonic.Exe and appears as the first opponent in Triple Trouble.


Minus Soul Tails is the minus version of Soul Tails where he attains his classic grey fur but appears to be burnt as his twin tails are no longer there and end in burned tips, so is his right hand and arm which hangs via a burnt arm vein. His left arm also hangs via loose threads and he wears a grey glove. He holds a red microphone that also possesses burn marks and a blush-colored v-neck tank-top and dark-gray boots. In his up pose, he is shown to have dirty gold sharp teeth, while in his left, he is capable of going black and white, with his eyes being long streaked lines.


  • Soul Tails' down pose references his defeat icon.
  • His up pose reveals that he possesses sharp teeth.
  • Soul Tails is capable of going full-monochrome, this is seen on his left pose.


Static idle.


Left pose

Down pose

Up pose

Right pose

Static left pose

Static down pose

Static up pose

Static right pose



Soul Knuckles[]

Minus Soul Knuckles is the minus version of Soul Knuckles and is the second victim by Sonic.Exe and appears as the second opponent in Triple Trouble.


Minus Soul Knuckles is the minus version of Soul Knuckles where he's now dark crimson in color like his icon. He wears a tan grayish jacket with V shape sliced at the center of his torso flowing with black blood. He also wears a pair of slate shoes, and dark gray fingerless gloves with spikes which is capable of morphing into a blade. He also lacks his right arm which end with a black trail.


  • Soul Knuckles' up pose references his defeat icon.
  • Soul Knuckles is capable of shifting is left hand into a blade, like Sonic.Exe in this mod.
    • He is also capable of opening his head in an explosion-like manner. This is seen in his down pose.


Static Idle.


Left pose

Down pose

Up pose

Right pose

Static left pose

Static down pose

Static up pose

Static right pose



Soul Robotnik[]

Minus Soul Robotnik is the minus version of Soul Robotnik and is the final victim and opponent in Triple Trouble.


Minus Soul Robotnik is the minus version of Soul Robotnik where his head is dirty gold like his icon and attains his classic features, such as his unkempt moustache, his exposed brain, and his empty skin. He wears a long jade green trench coat with a violet shirt underneath, a pair of gray pants, and pointy brown shoes. The sleeves on his trench coat are torn with long tears.


  • Soul Robotnik's up pose references his defeat icon.


Static idle


Left pose

Down pose

Up pose

Right pose


Static left

Static down

Static up

Static right

Static laughing




Majin Sonic[]

たのしさ∞ セガ・エンタープライゼス まぢん画[8]
Masato Nishimura, Sonic CD

Minus Majin Sonic is a minus version of Majin Sonic where he becomes a renowned performer in a suit, along with a few other Mazin who work as clowns and fellow entertainers themselves.


Minus Majin Sonic is the minus version of Majin Sonic where he appears as a renown singer standing atop a red stool. He wears a red suit with grey sleeves with gold accents and black gloves. He wears grey pants and black shoes. He holds a golden microphone with a tube design atop it. In all his poses, he is capable of manifesting round eyebrows and a moustache.

His V2 and V1 appearance attains the same suit style but the sleeves are instead white, his pants black, and his shoes grey with socks exposed. His microphone is also silver with a black handle. Their head is also the same but slightly different with the V2's quills being straight while V1's are a bit crooked.


  • Minus Majin Sonic is capable of summoning eyebrows and moustache to express his already gleeful emotions.
  • Minus Majin Sonic's army is composed of clowns which represent happiness as clowns entertain people, but at the same time unsettle as they can be creepy, just like the basis of Sonic.Exe.


  • V3

  • Sprite Sheets

Static idle


Left pose

Down pose

Up pose

Right pose

Static left

Static down

Static up

Static right

V3 Bottom Majin Army

V3 Top Majin Army

V3 Spritesheet

Majin Notes Spritesheet

V2 Spritesheet

V2 Top Majin Army

V2 Majin Notes Spritesheet

V1 Spritesheet

Lord X[]

― Lord X

Minus Lord X is the minus version of Lord X appearing to be based off the infamous Candyman, possessing a left hook and a horde of insects ready to sting their victim to death with him dealing the final blow with his demented powers.


Minus Lord X is the minus version of Lord X where he has a pale blue body, quills, and whiskers, like his icon. He also has red glowing eyes and a face that changes in his poses. He wears a thick trench coat, pants, and shoes of the same color. On his left hand is a metal hook and surrounding him are a swarm of wasps, making him resemble the Candyman. His mic is also red with two small horns in both ends.

His V2 design has him in a way resemble Candyman except his coat was more darker, had a smaller hook which is capable of turning red, and a different head based on his old icon. He is shown with gray sharp teeth in his up pose.

His V1 design has him wear a brown jacket, dark fingerless gloves, gray pants, and shoes. His mic was also broken as half of it is missing.


  • His left pose references his 1.5 danger icon who shares the same style of eyes.
  • His original eyes are also referenced in both his right and up poses.
  • Minus Lord X's entire design is a reference to the titular antagonist of the horror film series "Candyman", complete with a hook as a weapon of choice and being associated with a certain insect (albeit with wasps instead of bees).
  • His V2 design shows his ability to change his pupils' shape, such as a spiral, and turn his hook red.
  • He is capable of emitting a dark energy from within his eye and use it as a limb, this is seen in his V3 up pose.
  • He is capable of morphing his own face, melting into different forms at ease. This is seen in all his designs.



Spritesheet (V2)

Spritesheet (V1)


― Sunky.MPEG

Minus Sunky.MPEG is a minus version of Sunky.MPEG now appearing as a silly stickfigure with a hedgehog head, still with a love for dancing and is capable of turning into the DaBaby car.


Minus Sunky.MPEG is the minus version of Sunky.MPEG where he's now a stick figure with his icon as his head. He has a lanky black body and wears orange baggy pants and shiny black shoes. In his right pose, he is capable of turning into the DaBaby Car with his head.


  • Sunky's right pose turns him into the DaBaby Car with his head.
  • His overall appearance resembles Fancypants, a well-known stickman appearing in his own Flash games, though it is unknown if it was intentional.




Cumon Step it up!!!!

Minus Sanic.EXE is a minus version of Sanic.EXE where he fully encapsulates as a walking dank meme, capable of turning into multiple of them all at once.


Minus Sanic.EXE is the minus version of Sanic.EXE where he essentially becomes a walking dank meme with the Illuminati for a torso, dark greyish arms with white round gloves, gray shoes, and his dark blue head. He's also doing the Gangnam Style in his idle. His poses are all famous memes such as up pose where he becomes the FHRITP Guy, as he cloaks himself with a black hoodie holding a red microphone and wearing pixelated glasses[15] for his down pose. In his up pose, he wears a tee cap with the print phrase "OBEY", is shown dabbing, and wearing the same sunglasses mentioned earlier. In his left, he wears a non pixelated version for his left pose using the phrase "Dare Dare Da". And his right pose depicts him as a head-only figure smoking with a purple top-hat, revealing a red glow in his eyes.


  • Minus Sanic.EXE's poses and idle are all famous dank memes, which include:
    • Gangnam Style (idle)
    • FHRITP Guy (down)
    • Dabbing and the OBEY cap (up)
    • Smoking a Fat Blunt and a Redditor (right)
    • Dare Dare Da (left)



Tails Doll[]

For other uses of Tails Doll, See Tails Doll (disambiguation).

You are coming with me... Forever.
― Tails Doll

Minus Tails Doll is the minus version of Tails Doll in which he is no longer a weak doll but a human-sized serial killer with red crystalline eyes and murderous intent as he clutches his knife ready to stab at Boyfriend in the dark.


Minus Tails Doll is a minus version of Tails Doll where he is heavily based on Chucky[17], with red crystals within his ears, and in place of his eyes. He has a black polygonal nose and has his signature black lure with a red crystal atop it. He lacks a mouth to begin with but is given one if hitting a note, his eyes in particular go missing in his down pose. He wears a red and blue striped sleeved undershirt with light blue overalls around it, and a pair of brown shoes. He holds a steak knife with a wooden handle used to kill Boyfriend. Once the lights turn out, he is shown revealing red slits that glow red.


  • His appearance is largely based on Chucky, the main villain, and antagonist of the famous horror movie franchise, Child's Play.
    • This is also a nod at the fact that Tails Doll is a toy, in which Chucky is as well, both also having murderous tendencies.



Darkness spritesheet

Fleetway Super Sonic[]

― Fleetway Supersonic, when Boyfriend goes super in "Chaos"

Minus Fleetway Super Sonic is the minus version of Fleetway where he still appears as a powerful transformation of Sonic after coming close to the Chaos Emeralds, but appears to have a much powerful aura, fully golden in color.


Minus Fleetway Super Sonic is the minus version of Fleetway Sonic who now possesses a very similar look to Goku in terms of outfit. He is shirtless with yellow quills pulling upward, a pair of eyes containing red squiggles all over, a large grin consisting of sharp teeth, and yellow energy surrounding him. He wears a pair of blue bracelets, a seemingly torn apart blue shirt, a pair of orange pants, and shoes with one side being blue, another side being black, and a red border that separates the previously mentioned colors. He also has yellow laces that are tied around each shoe.


  • His outfit heavily references Goku[19][20], including the color scheme.



Taunting spritesheet

Angry spritesheet

Laser spritesheet


Minus EXE is the minus version of EXE and is the last character to receive a reskin. He at first appears to be an angelic hedgehog with good intentions before his true colors show up, revealing himself as a demon with hellfire fists and sinful vigor, ready to plunge Boyfriend to the fiery hells below.


Minus EXE is the minus version of EXE where he becomes an angel, wearing a white cloth over his body, brown shoes, and holding an old-style mic. He has a gold halo over his head, which resembles his icon, including the dark shade near the quills. He has black irises with blue sclera. In his up pose, he can change his eyes into an image of Earth and summon various objects such as a bag of money and a red soul.

In Black Sun, he reveals and turns into a demonic hedgehog, with flaming fists, a pitchfork, a demon tail, and a blackened burnt body with his feet turned into hooves. His face shows deception with one eye lowered and a grinning toothy smile. One of his eyes also has a scar.


  • His 1st phase idle references his 1st phase danger icon.
  • Some of EXE's 2nd phase characteristics references highlights from the Garden of Eden from the Book of Genesis, such as being banished and revealing his true form, like the snake in the Tree of Knowledge.[21]
  • Minus EXE is capable of manifesting items out of thin air, such as the bag of money, as well as changing his eyes into an image of Earth.
  • EXE's feet turning to hooves is a reference to goats being connected to demonic rituals and cults.


Static idle


Left pose

Down pose

Up pose

Right pose

Static left pose

Static down pose

Static up pose

Static right pose

Faker spritesheet

Transformation cutscene spritesheet

Black Sun spritesheet

  • Main Mod

  • Freeplay


Blue Boyfriend's Triple Trouble spritesheet (Left)

Blue Boyfriend's Triple Trouble spritesheet (Right)

Chaos cutscene spritesheet.

Minus Porker Lewis spritesheet.

Blue Boyfriend Milk Game Over Dance spritesheet.

Blue Boyfriend's Sunshine spritesheet.

Blue Boyfriend Sunshine Game Over spritesheet.

Static notes spritesheet (V2)

Blue Boyfriend's spritesheet in Endless.

Too Slow

You Can't Run

Triple Trouble






Vs. Sonic.Exe Minus (Hottler) (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.