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Within the upper wall was an area of approximately six acres,while the total area of the upper city and fortification system was50% larger, or about nine acres. Based on the archaeologist's ruleof thumb of 200 persons per acre, the population of the upper citywould have been about 1,200. However, from excavations carried outby a German team in the first decade of this century, we know thatpeople were also living on the embankment between the upper andlower city walls. In addition, those Canaanites living insurrounding villages would have fled to Jericho for safety. Thus,we can assume that there were several thousand people inside thewalls when the Israelites came against the city.(http://biblicalstudies.qldwide.net.au/cs-walls_of_jericho.html)
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Within the upper wall was an area of approximately six acres,while the total area of the upper city and fortification system was50% larger, or about nine acres. Based on the archaeologist's ruleof thumb of 200 persons per acre, the population of the upper citywould have been about 1,200. However, from excavations carried outby a German team in the first decade of this century, we know thatpeople were also living on the embankment between the upper andlower city walls. In addition, those Canaanites living insurrounding villages would have fled to Jericho for safety. Thus,we can assume that there were several thousand people inside thewalls when the Israelites came against the city.
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Not every castle or walled city had a moat and drawbridge, as seen in many modern movies and drawings. Also, most of Bible land area, hundreds of miles in all directions is basically dry and mostly level. In other words, no water or mythical alligators for a Biblical city's moat. Your error may be from the fact in the printed bible indicates Jericho was close or after the crossing of the Jordan River; it was not even at the side of the water.
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A:Jericho was founded some nine thousand years ago and its size varied according to economic and military circumstances. The city was finally abandoned in ruins around 1550 BCE and remained unoccupied until rebuilt by the Israelites in the ninth century BCE. By the time in which the story of Joshua's conquest is set, there was a small, unwalled village of mudbrick houses on the site of the former city.
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In terms of land area, it was not very large. It was comparable to a town in our days. See also:
Evidence of the conquest of Jericho
Archaeology and the Hebrew Bible
Debunking Bible-criticism
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Q: What was the size of the biblical city of Jericho?
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