TNT "The DONATE, DONATE, DONATE Edition" CC Notes for 7-10-15 (2024)

Pam begs you to DONATE, but keeps people blind to the amount, overshooting their goal for profit!

TNT Conference Call 7.10.15

T: Okay!

Pam: Tony, today is July 10th, and I wanted to say somethin’.

T: Before I say goooood mornin’, TNT! Today is July 10th, 2015, and Pam wants to say somethin’ else.

Pam: I’m tryin’ (inaudible) if you want. I wanted to remind everybody that not only do you have a bill to pay for the forum, but there are bills to pay also for the radio which is computer lines and all that stuff, extra servers, all that junk. I think you get three bills for that, don’t you? And so it’s that time, as usual, that they would like to get paid, and I’d like to remind everybody if you’re listening to this call and you like listening to this, then we would hope you would donate. You can go to and click on the red donate button. If you are listening to this call and you do not like, like listening to this call, I think you should hang up! Otherwise, please go to and click on the donate button. We don’t want anybody donating that can’t afford to pay their rent or buy food or take care of themselves, that’s the most important thing, but we do know that there are people on here that will be glad to donate for you and, and are glad that you’re here and can listen and just want to, who want to pay it forward and help others. So please do not feel obligated to do that. Do not feel obligated to call in and listen to us.

T: Okay. And while I, I thank Pam so much for that, and we were just tryin’ to stretch it out, we think we’re on a home stretch. But if not, then you’ll know when we’re not here, but okay. So we....

Pam: Yeah, the bill has to be paid regardless whether we’re on the home stretch or not. Sorry.

T: All right. All right. Can I go on now?

Pam: Okay. Good morning, TNT!

T: Okay, goooood mornin’, TNT, once again! All right, the news is superfantastic, I will tell you guys that. I’m feeling good, I’ve been feeling good. Every info person I talk to, intel person that I talked to this morning is feeling good. The word on the streets, the beats, and the offices and all around the world today is, “Be ready so you don’t have to get ready, ‘cause it’s comin’ on a moment’s notice.” That’s where we’re at. There’s not a lot to discuss. There’s no distractions. All around the world today, I mean, it’s go, go, go. Everybody’s sayin’, “Let’s do this and let’s get it over with by Tuesday.” Let’s get it over with by Tuesday. There are memos out telling people that it will be over with by Tuesday, so let’s hope it’s over with by Tuesday. Now, as positive as all that was or as great as all that is...I’m gonna be perfectly honest with you guys and tell you that’s what I had, heard last Thursday. Now I’m gonna tell you that, so this is what I said. It sounds like last week’s plan is actually gettin’ ready to be initiated this week, and I thought about it, said man, it’s no different than what we’ve been goin’ through three or four years, we’ve been a week ahead of the plan, a week ahead of the information actually comin’ out to the public and hopefully, prayin’--and I mean I’m prayin’ like everybody else--that that is a true fact right now today. But I will tell you everybody all around the world is excited about this being possibly the last weekend that we ever have to go through with this and we go on to somethin’ else. usual, yep, we got a window, yeah, we have specific times to look for, and we have days to look for and I’m tellin’ you guys there is a, a plan between now and, and Tuesday for this thing to, to look very good and positive for you. Am I guaranteeing you that this is the very last weekend we go through this? No, ‘cause I can’t. And they didn’t call me in the meetin’ or anything else, but it looks just as good if not better than it ever has before. Ever. And bein’ the fact that, you know, the Greek situation is resolved, comes back, they know they’re gonna do somethin’. China’s market is going back up today, so it didn’t stay down as long as they wanted it to. Gold, silver and that was up, as I told you guys the other day, and right now--which is very crucial to this getting done--is oil prices are going down today. They’re flooded with oil, and they don’t want it to bottom out when they do this. They’re still trying to catch it at, you know, the highest possible rate they can. So all that is makin’ it look good for us. All that is makin’ our opportunity look good today. The fact that last weekend, I tell you last week--now actually gold’s in negative right this morning, I’m lookin’ at it--last weekend banks brought their people in all week, all weekend, and they were training down to another level, and they were kinda proud of that. Over the holidays they brought their people in, snuck ‘em in and gave ‘em training on this. Memos have been going out all week, including today, telling people to get ready, be ready, have their people in place, and rates are on the boards. They’re good rates, people are excited, so I don’t know what else to tell you, ‘cause I believe it’s here! So I’m gonna go with 646, good morning, how are you? Hello?

C: Yes, sir! How you, how are you doing, Tony?

T: I’m superfantastic, how are you doin’?

C: I’m, I will be superfantastic very soon, thank you, sir. How are, how are the rates looking? Because last night one of the gentlemen that has a call twice a week said the rupiah is, was at $1.47, is that humanly possible?

T: I got somewhere around $1.37 from our person, so I don’t know. It was $1.08, so yes, it could be $1.37.

C: Okay. There was also mention that if you didn’t take the contract rate you would be, there would be no tax. That doesn’t sound like, that doesn’t make sense to anybody, to quote you.

T: I, I don’t have....

C: Have you heard anything?

T: I don’t have that, no. I don’t have anything on the taxes at all, guys. There’s been a lot of stuff over the years. And when I say anything, I don’t have anything in writing at all. I, I heard there was a possibility of no taxes and people said. Who does that make sense to? You think the government ain’t gonna get everything they can get?! Okay.

C: Well, ‘cause, my feelings, too.

T: I heard the possibility of a 15% flat tax, so, but I haven’t seen it in writing. I’m tellin’ you what I’ve always said, you know, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. And the worse is...

C: Oh, absolutely.

T:’re payin’ 60% tax, and I mean state included. So that’s what I would prepare for, okay?

C: Okay. Now how, how are the, how’s the Zim looking? Because he was quoting from 11 to 18 cents.

T: Yeah, and that’s what I always say, 11 to 18. And I actually got 21 cent from two banks, but that don’t mean it’s gonna come out like that, so.

C: True. True, I agree.

T: Again, let’s, let’s, let’s prepare for the worst, which I think the worst we could possibly see is 11 cent. And again, I was told that years ago. The highest I was ever told I could see was 22 cent.

C: Right. Right.

T: But the, but I, I don’t know, ‘cause it has gone above that. I’ve gotten 23, they’ve seen 27 on the screen, and they’ve seen 11, so let’s wait and see what happens.

C: And the dong is still in the same 47-cent range, I would assume.

T: I heard it was supposed to be 47 cent. We looked at...a lot of times it was showing on the screens at two dollars and something, and...

C: I know. I know.

T: ...I’m hearing right now that could be it, but...the agreed-upon rate was 47 cent, but that could’ve changed.

C: Right.

T: But I would just, again, let’s go with the low numbers.

C: Yes.

T: Let’s say 47 cent, then make it work, and if it’s over two dollars just be ecstatic, okay?

C: Yeah, well that, and it, no matter what it comes out at, everybody’s going to be very happy at the end of the day. Well look, bless you, bless Ray, bless Pam, bless DC, and bless everyone and let’s get on with our lives. And I don’t know if we’ll all go to Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, but hopefully we’ll all meet at some time. There’s so many good things to do, and I cannot thank you enough for your support, and I will send money. I’ve sent money before, I’ll send some today, another donation. Bless you, hope to see you and meet you someday, sir.

T: All right. And guys...

C: Thank you so much.

T: ...I mean, thank you, sir, wait, but I just wanna make this comment real quick.

C: Yes, sir.

T: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas for those of you don’t go? It’s Vegas, Vegas, Vegas so Tony can go. Okay? Just look at it like that. Okay!

C: That’s good. Thank you, bless you. Bye-bye.

T: All right, thanks. Have a great day. All right, bye. Hey, wait, before I go to the next person I wanna clarify somethin’ just in case you guys get the wrong impression. I don’t want people to, to get the wrong impression. After the last call some idiots, ‘cause I can call ‘em idiots, anyway, even though I know you guys don’t like that term it’s one of my favorite ones ‘cause Pam calls me that all the time, but anyway, said, “Hey, Tony, this is not about you, it’s about the GCR.” It has always been about the GCR to me. It has always been about, you know, us workin’ and, and tryin’ to go through this together. Do I go through some things with some people and, yes I do, have explained it to you and everything else, but it’s never what this call is about, it’s never what, what I’ve been about as long as I’ve been here. ‘Cause this is one thing I know for sure, and, and God is my witness ‘cause thing can be, I know how to make money and I’ve always said that. I know how to get involved in different businesses and business opportunities where I’m going to make money ‘cause I’m going to survive one way or another. I mean I’m gonna do that, and I will do the ups and downs. So it’s never about me and what I can get, can’t get, be, because that, that’s...that, that’s gonna happen anyway, that, that’s the way I look at it and, you know, it is network marketing, MLM. If you help enough people get what they want, you’ll get what you want, and I’ve believed in that for years and I have sacrificed and done that. So don’t ever think I’m doin’ a call about me. It’s about life, it’s about circ*mstances, it’s about sharing something with you guys that I hope you can use through your own. So this is what I decide I’m gonna do. After this call is over, I’m gonna send you three links, I’m gonna send you guys three links that I pulled up yesterday. Well, and all this has to do with athletes. I’m gonna send you one about Antoine Walker, which you guys might not know, made over a hundred million dollars. Broke, I mean dirt broke. I’m gonna send you one about Latrell Sprewell, made over a hundred million dollars, hundred million dollars, has fifty thousand dollars left to his name and to rent a house. I’m gonna send you that so you guys can see this type of money that we’re about to get is not lifelong money if you don’t use it right or if you abuse it is more a point, too. And I’m gonna send you a third one. It’s a young man, NFL player got eighty million dollars and he had to actually get a restraining order against his family, now, that’s what it says--brother, sisters, uncle, cousins, whoever, mom, dad--because they thought his money was their money. I want you guys to read these stories because it’s about to be your life. A whole lot of you are about to go through this very same thing, and if you just read the story at some point while you’re going through it it’s gonna click in and it’s gonna help you. So I don’t want you guys thinkin’ I’m sendin’ these tweets out that it’s the RV and it’s not. I wanna you send you these three things to do what I’ve always set out to do and help you be prepared for what your life is about to be. Okay. That’s what that’s about. All right, 941, good morning. 941? Okay. All right, 337, good morning.

C: Morning, Tony.

T: Hey, how are you?

C: I...good, got a question.

T: Okay.

C: Which, which banks are gonna, will exchange the Zim?

T: I don’t know specifically which ones. I know it shouldn’t be a problem with the larger banks at all.

C: Hmm, because, you know, you call ‘em and they have no idea about anything but, I mean, even the currency exchange banks that do currency exchanges have no idea about the Zim from what they’ve told me.

T: And they’re not supposed to until it actually happens. They’re doin’ their job. “We don’t do it when it’s not on our boards, we don’t participate in it.” And we’re gonna hear that right up to the very last minute!

C: Hmm. Well, I, I got somethin’ I wanted to talk to you about a long time ago but I never could, you know, I just kinda listen to the calls. And you can tell Pam that a lot of us listen to calls, my, myself included, that I have nothin’ to do. I’m, I’m, you know, I’m very ill, you know, and this is somethin’ to do, you know. I mean...

T: Okay.

C: ...other than what, other than watch this stupid stuff on TV, you know.

T: Okay.

C: I was, I was worried about you back a few months ago when you were sayin’ that, you know, you were all about women and this woman, that woman, and you know, you didn’t wanna be who you were and I said, “Oh, my God, I hope Tony’s not considering this Bruce Jenner stuff, you know?” I said, Lord....

T: Well, you really wasn’t, you wasn’t listenin’ to me! You obviously were listening to somebody else.

C: Yeah! Yeah, I was listenin’ to you. You said it, yeah, months ago that, and I don’t know how long ago it was, that, you know, and I, when I got the recording, it’s on your recordings that, that you know, you’re talkin’ about you were really interested in women, you know, you didn’t wanna be who you were and all this kinda, I said, “Lord, have mercy. Tony, what’s wrong with Tony?” You know, and then DC left, I left, “Oh, my God, what happened!” But I was just jokin’ but I, you know....

T: (Inaudible). Okay!

C: Now I know you, I know you’re in California, and you talk about Texas all the time. I’m in Louisiana and, you know, it’s kinda farther, a little farther away from California, so I don’t wanna catch what’s goin’ on in that there state over there, you know?

T: I have no idea, to be (unintelligible), but yes, I, I love women, I love my wife. Always have loved women, always gonna love women--not love bein’ one, okay? So you need to understand where that came from. But me myself, I tell people all the time because I hear it all the time and I’ve been hearing it for years, and I heard it before I started doing this, when I was doing MLM, when I was doing everything else, and people always say that, “Man, I wish I was you.” And I was like, “You have no idea what you’re talkin’ about. I mean, if you were men you be done shot yourself in the head.” So hopefully that’s what you were talkin’ about.

C: Yeah, yeah, that’s, no, that’s....

T: Ups and downs and trials and tribulations, all the people who have de, depended on me to make things happen in their life, and I’ve done that in network marketing. You know, I had groups of nine thousand, thirteen thousand, fifteen thousand, and they just keep growing and growing, people in my downline. And now I got two-hundred-and-forty-seven-thousand people on Twitter. I got thirty, forty thousand people a call. Guys, it’s not, I’m not just doin’ a call, I know I’m affecting people’s lives. I know people depend on me to do what I’m doing, and that’s a hell of a responsibility to, to carry along twenty-four hours a day knowing I gotta be careful what I say, how I say it, and who I say it to because it’s going to affect so many people. So I try to make sure I’m doing that, but knowing that, you know, when I owned my own businesses I’m like this isn’t about me and my family, ‘cause they’re already gonna eat, but now I’m makin’ sure everybody else’s family eats. And they gotta have a paycheck, they gotta do this, or this has to happen, and that’s all I was ever referring to is you don’t wanna be me. I love being me, but it’s a lot of responsibility. But believe me...

C: No, I had....

T: ...I don’t wanna be anybody else. I don’t wanna be Obama, you know, President Obama, or anybody else that, this little bitty thing I’m goin’ through, you could imagine what kinda hell he goes through everyday.

C: Yeah. Well....

T: And that’s every President, okay.

C: I, I never wanted to be anybody but myself. But you know, like people say, you know, I wish I were this person, I, somebody would just say I wish I was Jesus, of course, until they get nailed to the cross then they would have a problem with that so, you know.

T: Okay. All right.

C: Be who you are and be happy with your, everybody out there, and just be patient, everything’s gonna work out, that’s for sure, you know?

T: It’s gonna work out. We’re, we’re right there. I’m tellin’ you guys, everything I’m hearin’, we’re right there and it will have been worth it. All the luggage, baggage, pain, everything we’ve gone through, if you’ve paid attention throughout the years and you’ve planned for your future, it will be worth it. All right, thank you, sir! Gonna get a Vegas, Vegas, Vegas?

C: I’m too old to go to Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, but I’ll say it for you. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

T: All right. I’ll pull a handle for you. All right, thanks.

C: Have a good day.

T: All right, bye. Okay. 323, good morning.

C: Morning!

T: How are you?

C: Hi! And you can hear me, right?

T: Yes, ma’am, I can hear you!

C: All right. Well, I, I’m not actually calling for a question about what we’re all here together for. What I have done is write a couple of times to Pam, and she said she sent it on to you. I am trying to find a way that I could speak with you after, well after the RV, because of a project that I’m launching that is very confidential but you should be invited to it. And it has nothing to do with investments or business, and I don’t know how to establish a certainty of a connection later, ‘cause I know you’re going to want to be invited when you hear about it.

T: Okay, let me ask you this. Does it have anything to do with a wine vineyard?

C: No, it has nothing to do with any business. It’s a wonderful event that has to do with children, and I just want to be certain I can invite you.

T: Okay. All right, I wrote your number down. Okay?

C: Okay. So what does that mean that you wrote my number, you’ll call me and, and I’ll have a chance to talk to you sometime?

T: That’s what that means.

C: Well, sometime, it could be in months!

T: I will call you, talk about....

C: It (inaudible) to be now.

T: Okay. I, I will, I wrote it down and I have it. Pam is actually doing a...a site for different programs where she’s gonna put ‘em up, ones that she has recommended, investigated or something, and this is her own project that she’s doing for, for you guys to go and look at, so it might be somethin’ to look at. And that’s where she’s gonna have the information for Kiesha’s Kids, ‘cause Pam actually came up with the name Kiesha’s Kids, for the foundation. And Pam, what’s the name of the site? I gotta give her a minute. She has a problem finding the mute button on her phone. Oh.

Pam: You are so bad. It’s Fantastic,, and we have information there to help you guys pick the right foundation. There are going to be links there, there’s a link there already for you to check to see if the foundations that you’re interested in actually send very much money to the people that you are trying to help or whether it’s being used for administrative costs. I’ll just leave it at that.

T: So, and that’s gonna be Pam’s passion after this is all over, that’s what she’s involved with to make sure things are gettin’ to the right people. Won’t be any that she owns or anything else, just ones that people want to put up there or that her, her group have researched and who they think are doin’ things the right way. But she will have Kiesha’s Kids for anybody who’s worried up there, once it gets established, and all the information will probably be listed on our site also. And if you have a child’s program, I will give her your number so she can talk to you about it, okay?

C: I, well, Tony I, I must have...

Pam: Tony?

C: ...not been clear enough. This is not anything that would be related to what you’re mentioning right now, and I do know about those plans and I think it’s fantastic. This is something that would be an invitation to you that will be private, will be confidential, and is exclusive. And it isn’t...

T: Oh. Okay.

C: ...general.

T: All right, I’ll call you about it afterwards then.

C: Thank you.

T: All right? Okay, Pam.

C: Bye-bye.

T: Pam, were you tryin’ to say somethin’? Bye.

Pam: Well, firstly I’d like to say why wasn’t I invited, but secondly I’d say that...I know, why didn’t you invite me?! I am fun, too! Was that I’m hoping that Fantastic Foundations will, of course will have the link to Kiesha’s Kids. But a lot of people have asked for the foundations you’re interested in and DC is interested in or that Ray is going to contribute to or whatever because they wanna give back to you guys, and you don’t want anything in return for what you’re doing, so it, it’s a way that they can give back to you is by helping somebody else. So we were going to list your favorite charities, DC’s favorite charities, Ray’s, etc.

T: Okay. All right, guys. Guys, we’re gonna get back to the information, but Pam and, and you guys keep throwin’ me off track. So, and I said that for this, Pam, which is great. I had a great idea, I was sittin’ around thinkin’, and I was wonderin’ if we could have a...a day of giving, a day of giving as soon as this happened. If we could have a day or a time, you know, within like the first 72 hours of, that everybody gets their money, if they could go and find somebody--a waiter, waitress, server, doorman--somebody giving in and above themselves who works, who, who can need a lift up and, and, and do the, the thousand-dollar tip or the thousand-dollar donation or a thousand dollars, somethin’, you know, right after, that thousand dollars would change somebody’s life. But if we could do that as a group. And you don’t have to put TNT Superfantastic, you guys, just put Superfantastic or somethin’ or, or better yet, “You’re superfantastic,” and the person won’t even know what it’s about, they’ll just know they’re superfantastic. But on the receipt we’ll see it, we’ll know, and, and it’ll grow and, you know, we can all feel good, say okay, we’re all payin’ it forward. But we’ve done somethin’ even better than what the government did when they gave back the thousand-dollar stimulus, you know, through the IRS, I mean, yeah through the tax. We could create that in a two- or three-day span of time, and we can do it when everybody has the most money they’ll ever have, where a thousand dollars will be like nothin’ to you, let me pay it forward immediately. I thought that would be a super event in time, and people to post it on their Facebooks or here or there and everybody will, and we will see that we truly made a difference immediately upon gettin’ this. But that’s just my idea, I don’t know if it’s gonna work or not. You guys kick it around in the forum, on the board, but I thought it would be somethin’ we could all do together and everybody feel they actually did their part, and they would be able to ‘cause we just got into this. So I know that’s a bit of a distraction, but I was just thinkin’ about it the other day. Anyway. Okay, 919, good morning. Sorry about all the other stuff, guys. Go ahead. 919? Nope? Okay. Okay, when you guys dial in, just for those who, oh, 281, I’m sorry. 919 hung up, and then I hung up on you. Sorry. When you dial in, if you don’t have a question or comment you do not have to put your hand up. Star two puts your hand back down. You do not have to do that just to listen to the call. Okay. 209, good morning.

C: Good morning!

T: Good morning, how are you?

C: Good, how are you doin’, Tony?

T: I’m superfantastic. How are you doin’?

C: That’s terrific. I’m actually doin’ superfantastic as well.

T: Okay, then! Let’s get this party started then, right?

C: That’s what I’m talkin’ about. I got, I got a couple quick questions for you.

T: Okay.

C: When you, when you’re gonna do the 15-minute call, do you have a plan to say, to send a tweet that, “Hey, doing the 15-minute call”? That way we know you’re doing the call. That way we can be like man, he’s recording it right now, get your stuff together.

T: I would like to tweet it out saying just that, would make sense, and I’d get on, you know, everybody would get on it and get the information and, and go. Now, here’s the issue. I don’t know what they want to do, and they, they have a plan, they have a couple plans on how they wanted to do it and, again, one is just, just put it up there and they’ll see it when they see it, you know, it’s static. The other is, you know, do your call, give out the instructions, answer some questions, and we have somebody on there to answer questions with you. The other is just, you know, a, a recorded message. So I don’t know what their plan is. I want to do my own goodbye when this is all over, so we’ll see how it works.

C: The other thing I was gonna say is in regards to Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. I’m assuming that you’re gonna be kind of a, a main staple at the WSOP every year, we’ll know right where to find you. Right in the main event.

T: The WSOP?

C: Yeah, the World Series of Poker.

T: Oh. I don’t play poker, so, sorry!

C: Oh, you don’t play poker. Well I was gonna, I was gonna say anybody who, anybody who decided they wanted to do that could just wear a TNT Superfantastic hat.

T: And, and, and those guys have some nice hats and nice shirts. I mean I just like ‘em ‘cause they’re stylish and it says TNT Superfantastic and the shirt does and the colors are great. I thought they did a great job, so I’m gonna have some. So if you’re lookin’ in Vegas, you will see me walkin’, I think--I gotta see what my NDA says--lets me wear what I wanna wear. I just can’t say what I wanna say, but I’ll wear that ‘cause I already own the shirt, so it’s good.

C: Got it.

T: All right.

C: Thanks a lot, Tony. Appreciate all you guys. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

T: Okay, thank you, sir.

C: Yep.

T: Okay. Pam, I don’t know what I messed up, but okay. All right, thank you! All right. Okay, here we go, 513. Good morning.

C: Good morning, how are you?

T: I am superfantastic, how are you doin’?

C: Well, it’s afternoon here, and you’ve pretty well answered my questions, so I’d just love to hear 404’s questions. Can I turn it over to her?

T: 404. Let me see, I have to go down here and find her somewhere, but okay. I’ll see if I can find her.

C: She always asks my questions better.

T: And if you want to give her your turn.

C: She always asks...

T: Okay.

C: ...asks my questions better than I can ask them.

T: All right, let me see if I can find her. Thank you. Still say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

C: Can I say North Carolina, North Carolina, North Carolina?

T: You can, ‘cause I will be there! Okay.

C: All right. That works better for me. Thank you.

T: All right, have a great day.

C: Uh-huh.

T: Okay. So 404 must be really popular. People callin’ in givin’ their time away to 404, and I gotta see if I can find 404. Okay! 404, you are here!

C: Thank you, Tony, appreciate it, and thank you Miss 513. I love North Carolina as well. And Lady Luck must be with me, because I had dialed in and then was dropped off and managed to get back on, so my questions.

T: Well, let me just say that Lady Luck had you down at number 48, so she moved you all the way up by giving away her time, but go ahead.

C: I know, that’s what I’m saying, I would not have gotten on. I had called in early, but then it was a, a dead line, so it was like oh my goodness! So I dialed back in, and then, to get on. A couple of questions, then. And Miss 513, I hope these are, are some that you might have asked. Have you had enough time, Tony, to get any feedback on what the messages were in the mosques this morning? We’ve heard a couple of interesting ones, but I was wondering what your sources have said.

T: Actually just said it was the same repeat messages, get ready, economic changes are coming. Nothing about it’s gonna happen today, tomorrow, or, or right at this moment. I didn’t get any of that. But I will tell you we talked to ‘em yesterday, and they are frustrated ‘cause the people are frustrated, and they’re startin’ to take to the street again ‘cause they are tired of hearing it’s gonna happen in the day, coming days, and, and there, so it’s kinda gettin’ to ‘em again. What did you hear?

C: Right. Right. We keep hearing varying things in, in terms of an official announcement. Sometimes that yes there will be one, and then other times no it’s just going to be happening, as you had said it can happen at any time. What are your sources saying? Are, will Christine Lagarde be saying something? Will Dr. Abadi be saying something? What, what’s the, the latest on, on that?

T: You know, we got there, there’s again a couple options with her sayin’ somethin’, with Abadi sayin’ somethin’, with Abadi and Shabibi doin’ a joint speech. Even last week there was supposed to be somethin’ from, from President Obama. So I got all of those, okay, these are the four scenarios, which one it’s gonna be, or it could just be nothin’. So I don’t know what it’s gonna be. And whatever it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be after the fact anyway, so I’m not lookin’ for, it’s not gonna be ‘fore it happens, it’s gonna be after it happens when, when they’re scheduled to do it. And depending on what else is going on in the world, they just, might just let it go!

C: Okay. And in terms of the, the process, you know, it, it’s interesting, we’ve been connecting the dots for, for years now, and I seem to remember they, the theory that when all of this process was starting it was like there was an algorithm and there were all of these formulas that were being put in, and when there were stoppages the formulas had to started over again. How true is that, still, or is it that actually everything is put in place, algorithmically, formulas or whatever, such that actually when the flip the switch or get the go sign everything goes and we don’t have to go through the, the algorithms of if this and then that, if this and then that. Do you...

T: I don’t think we have to go through that.

C: ...does that make sense?

T: Yeah, it makes sense. They went through it as far as settin’ the system up, the changes and everything else, but right now not, not at all. Everything’s in the system, they can see it, they can see the rate. Now is there a possibility as soon as it goes live that the rates change? That could happen because some people don’t believe these are the final rates, again, that, that we’re looking at. But the system itself is live or, you know, the cards wouldn’t have been able to be used in, in different countries. All different, the banks wouldn’t be all, you know, seein’ the same rate if, if it wasn’t tied into their, and we know last week or two weeks ago when they were doin’ the systems checks again, everything went through. So they don’t have to wait for anything, they just need to say go, which...they are ready to do, my understanding. Again, we don’t know the exact moment or, or their exact hour or day. And I’m sayin’ we don’t know. Is there somethin’ out there? Yeah. There’s somethin’ out there telling people to be ready between this time and that time? Yes. But again, is it a new somethin’? I’m gonna say yes. But we’ve all, again, been through that. Are people excited and sayin’ there’s nothin’ else to do but do it? Yes! There’s nothing else to do but do it, so when are we gonna do it, and, and that’s where we are.

C: I think that should become our theme song or something, “Nothing else but do it, so do it” sort of thing.

T: That’s right!

C: The, the curious person in, in me is sort of wondering what is up with, with Maliki? You know, we’ve heard he’s at the Hague, we’ve heard he’s arrested, we heard he’s not arrested. What, what are your sources saying? What can we believe at this point?

T: Hmm. Right now my sources are saying do we really wanna have this conversation?

C: Okay, then we don’t have this conversation! So I will close off with Vegas, Vegas, Vegas so Tony can go.

T: All right. And I will tell you guys that, I mean, he’s not an issue, been not an issue. It, it’s being resolved and worked out, everybody included in that, and that’s it. And I appreciate you tryin’ to get me to Vegas. All right. Thank you!

C: I’ll say it again, then, so that it will assure you that you get to Vegas. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas so Tony can go! Thank you, thank you.

T: That’s right. All right, thank you.

C: And again, thanks 513, appreciate it. Have a great day.

T: All right. Have a great day.

C: Bye-bye.

T: Bye.

C: Bye-bye.

T: Okay, so 405. 405.

C: Hello, is that me?

T: Yeah, what’s so funny?

C: Hello?

T: Well, yeah, I said what’s so funny?

C: Oh, sorry, I had some, some (unintelligible) with some friends, may step out. Good afternoon, how are you doin’ today?

T: I heard you guys laughin’, and I thought, yeah, I’m doin’ good (inaudible) yep, how are you doin’?

C: Good! Good. I’m doin’ great. Happy to hear some of the news that you’ve been sharing. So I’ve got a quick question on the contract rates if you’ve got a second. I’ve got a significant amount of, of dong, a significant amount of dinar, and of course the Zimbabwe currency as well and was wondering, just talking about I’m not real confident in our government not coming back after us if we’re accused of things that we really didn’t, you know, not, we didn’t tell anybody the rate, you know, so people can, can, can blame you for some stuff. Can you do a contract rate on one currency but not contract rate on the other currencies, and if you get somewhat, say, get in trouble later on, you only have one currency at risk, or do you have all the currencies at risk?

T: I, I would think the NDA covers all currencies. I don’t know. I mean, I haven’t read it...

C: Okay.

T: ...and I’m not an attorney, but I would think it covers all of your transactions from that point.

C: Okay. Okay, clearly stated! I appreciate it, Tony. Thanks so much, and Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

T: All right, thank you, sir, have a great day.

C: Thank you.

T: Okay. 540, good morning.

C: Can you hear me?

T: Hello?

C: Hello?

T: Yes, good morning. You gotta take me off speaker. Too much noise in the background.

C: Tony?

T: How are you?

C: Hi! I have a question on the currency. The last that was stated was that it would be good until November of 2016, is that still true?

T: Which currency are you referring to, first of all?

C: The, the dinar, the Iraqi dinar.

T: Oh. 2016. I’m tellin’, it’s supposed to be good for two years, so I guess that would work. But if I was you, I mean that would be the last thing I’d be worried about, ‘cause I wouldn’t have it any longer than fifteen, twenty days myself. So I definitely would not be worried about 2016, okay?

C: Yeah, I, well I know they want us to exchange in a timely manner, but I was looking at, you know, your first mouse, second mouse, third mouse, and holding it possibly if I didn’t get a contract rate?

T: Okay, let me tell you my opinion. This is my opinion, that’s all, okay?

C: I understand.

T: I’m not givin’ you legal advice or financial advice. I know, but there’s other people listening, so I have to clarify it to them and everything else, ‘cause there’s things goin’ on that you guys don’t know about. So anyway, this is my opinion which I legally can have an opinion, ‘cause I can. I think it will come out, we’ll see it go up, go back down all within thirty days, I think, once it hits the Forex market, and you won’t see it rise more than two percent for years and years to come. There’s absolutely, in my opinion, no reason to hold this currency or not any reason to hold this currency past that thirty-, sixty-day mark, even if it took you that long to get through and get your stuff done. So this to me is not a long-term investment once it comes out, because I don’t know what might happen over there.

C: Okay, I understand. Okay. Well thank you so much for taking my call, and thank you and everybody for all that you do to keep us informed, we really appreciate it. Thank you.

T: All right, thank you. Have a great day.

C: You, too.

T: She didn’t say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. You didn’t say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

C: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!

T: Okay, thank you. All right. Okay, 409, good morning.

C: Yes, how are you doin’, Tony?

T: Good, how are you doin’?

C: I’m doin’ great, man. Just wanted to appreciate everything you was doing, that you’re doing, and my question was answered. I was curious about Maliki and his guys, but the question was already asked and answered, so I’m gonna say Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, man, and I’m just prayin’ that it go this weekend.

T: Me, too. All right, thank you, sir, appreciate it.

C: No problem.

T: Okay. All right, 601, good morning.

C: Hi, Tony.

T: Hey, how are you?

C: How are you doin’? Good, thanks.

T: I’m....

C: Go ahead, I’m sorry.

T: I was just gonna say I’m superfantastic!

C: Yeah, that’s good! Well, snake eyes, snake eyes, snake eyes. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, love that. I’ll, I’ll, I guess I’ll go ahead and yield, because I was gonna ask about Maliki, and you...

T: Okay. Thanks.

C: gone he had to be. So I, I thank you for your help.

T: All right, thank you, sir. Have a great day!

C: You, too! Bye-bye.

T: All right. Okay, 772, good morning. 772?

C: Hello?

T: Yes, good morning.

C: Hey, man, how’s it goin’?

T: It’s goin’ great, how are you doin’? I (inaudible), all right?

C: (Inaudible) call like this, how can you help but go wrong, right?

T: Well, it depends. Are you calling me from the bathroom or what?

C: Not now. I was just, stepped in and stepped out. So the....

T: Stepped in, oh okay, I, I’m gettin’ a echo, that’s why I said are you calling from the bathroom.

C: I’m on speaker. Sorry about that, I was on the speaker.

T: Okay.

C: So I just, I didn’t realize I would be gettin’ on, but I always push the button to get the chance, but I, then again, you know, I appreciate very much where you’re coming from, what’s going on and I hope that this week is the week.

T: You and me both, believe me.

C: And millions of others, right?

T: Yep.

C: Okay, well...

T: Okay?

C: ...I, I really don’t, I really don’t have any big bad question or anything, I, everything’s been pretty well covered, and if we don’t know all the angles now, then you know, I don’t, I don’t know that we’ll get it with this call. But, you know, then again thank you and have a good day, and look forward to Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, and also the Carolinas! North Carolina.

T: All right. Have a good day!

C: All right? Have a good one now, thank you. Yes, sir.

T: Okay. All right. Okay, 310, good morning. 310?

C: Hello?

T: Hey, good morning! How are you?

C: Good, how are you doin’?

T: I’m superfantastic, how are you doin’?

C: I’m doin’ great, Tony! I’d like to say good morning to you, Pam, and just everyone with TNT. And I just wanna thank you for all the knowledge that you’ve, you know, shared with us through the years and just all your hard work. I know that, you know, it’s not easy, you know, getting all the horrible backlash, and people are upset and they don’t know who else to be upset with so it’s easy to blame you, Pam, Ray, DC, the absence of DC. So I just wanna, you know, give you a little positivity and just let you know that, continue to do what you guys are doin’ and that we’re grateful for everything that you’ve done. No everyone’s not gonna be happy, but I just want you to know that, you know, I’ve learned a lot and I’m still learning a lot from you guys, and I, I’m grateful for all that you shared with us and teaching us everything.

T: Well, thank you! I appreciate it and Ray and Pam and, they’re always involved and, yep, in the chat room, in the forum and everybody just tryin’ to help as best we can. Again...

C: It really....

T: know, I don’t know everything...

C:’s, yeah, it’s....

T: ...but I know what I know, and I just try and share that much with you, okay?

C: Yeah, and I, and, and, and I get that, you know, and it’s, it’s hard to listen to people call and, and kinda get upset with you as if you’re sittin’ in congress or one of the house of representatives, you know, callin’ all the shots, and at the same time they don’t have to call. They don’t, they can choose to not listen and choose not to point fingers, you know? All you guys are doing is trying to enlighten us and, and if they don’t wanna be enlightened, they can turn the, turn the phone off, they can turn the computer off, they can go elsewhere. Or they can stop believing! So I just wanna, you know, just first initially say that, and I just wanted to find out, you know, the updated information regarding the dong. I know that you said that it’s at 47 cents, and it’s been fluctuating, the price. As of right now, if it does go at 47 cents, will they be offering the contract rate?

T: Okay, here, here’s the deal. So for years I’ve heard the rate was gonna be 47 cents, and I heard that the contract rate was gonna be over two dollars. Been the plan for years, that I know of, right? Pam’s giving me a warning. Oh, okay. For years it was supposed to be that way, and now the last couple months it’s got, all we’re seeing is the rate over two dollars! So I’m saying, I mean, but it could change at any moment. But even that rate could’ve changed. Now, is there going to be a international rate and contract rate? I’m still hearing yes there is. So if it came out at two dollars and that’s the international rate, better believe the contract rate is higher. Comes out at 47 cent, you better believe the contract rate is higher, okay?

C: Okay. [I can’t believe you’re on the (inaudible).]

T: Wooo!

C: I just really, me, me and one of my friends were just really just excited and, you know, we just were happy that we got through. You know, we, we try to, we’ve been trying to get through for quite a while, and it’s the first time I, I’ve ever gotten through, so she’s excited, I’m excited. [End it with, end it with Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.] Yes, of course (inaudible).

T: All right, thank you! And tell her I said hi. Appreciate you guys bein’ here.

C: Thanks, Tony! Thank you, Pam.

T: Okay, thank you!

C: (Inaudible) Ray, (inaudible) Vegas, Vegas.

T: All right, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. Okay. Okay, 301, good morning.

C: Hello.

T: Hi, how are you?

C: Hi, Tony, how are you?

T: I am superfantastic, how are you doin’?

C: I’m superfantastic. I just wanted to ask you a question. If I work in Maryland but I have a properly, property also in Florida, and I have a bank account in Florida, will I have to pay taxes if I put it in my bank account, Wells Fargo, in Florida? You think I have to pay taxes?

T: Where do you live at?

C: Both places. Here and in Florida.

T: Okay...

C: But I work here.

T: ...well typically I think....

C: I work here.

T: Yeah. I typically, I think they’re gonna look at, all right, where you work at, where did you live the majority of the year at.

C: Oh, okay. Okay.

T: Then that’s typically how it works. I don’t know how it is, but yeah, you talk to your tax person, but usually that’s how it’s applied. Okay? All right?

C: Yeah, I file my taxes, I file my taxes here, so, okay well thank you. Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

T: Vegas, Vegas, Vegas.

C: Have a good weekend.

T: There you go!

C: Okay, bye-bye.

T: All right, thank you. All right. Okay, guys. I wanted to do one more person. Pam, can I do one more person? Two more people?

Pam: Of course.

T: I’m lookin’ for somebody. Man, I’m just gonna close my eyes, pick this person. With my eyes closed, so, how about I do that. 713.

C: Hello?

T: Yes. Good morning.

C: Hello?
T: Hey! How are you?

C: Fine, how are you?

T: I’m superfantastic. How are you doin’?

C: This is, this is the first time I’ve been able to get in on this call.

T: Okay! I went all the way down...

C: And I wanted to thank you....

T: ...and picked you, so, right?

C: I want to thank y’all for everything that y’all been doing. We really appreciate everything and all the hard work that you and DC, Pam, the mods, everyone’s done for us.

T: Okay! Well, thank you. It’s been out pleasure, and when it’s all over with, we’re gonna be glad we did it.

C: Well, what is the, what is, what’s the last rate y’all saw on the dong?

T: The last rate on the dong is...$2.26, so I don’t know that it is. I know the agreed-upon rate was 47 cent, so again, I would go with 47 and if it’s higher than that, then say thank God.

C: Well most definitely. Do you think that that $2.26 might be the contract rate?

T: Well, as I just got done saying, for years it was the contract rate. But for the last six, seven months it’s been showing up as the rate, so maybe they adjusted something, I don’t know.

C: That would be amazing. In, in your honest opinion, do you think that this is truly gonna go through by next Tuesday?

T: In my honest, honest opinion, I have talked to people who said they have been informed that this will all be over by next Tuesday. That’s what they have been informed, so with everything else, notifications going out, preparations being made, people being trained all last weekend during the holiday, I mean down to another level, I think we’re finally going to see this, so.

C: Well that will be amazing, I can’t wait. And Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, by the way, Tony.

T: All right, thank you! Have a great day!

C: Thank you.

T: Okay. Okay, Pam? Okay, Pam?

Pam: Oh, wow...

T: The little button to the left?

Pam: couldn’t hear, talking to me, couldn’t you?

T: No, we couldn’t, ‘cause you were on mute. Okay, go ahead.

Pam: Okay, I, I wanted to thank the people that have donated all this time to keep the site running for everybody else, for all of you, for everybody else. Tony does see all of those and we really appreciate them. I wanted to thank all of our mods again, Dakotaman and his team, our team of chat room transcribers, sunnygal, Adept1, zebragirl especially, those who do our transcribing, and then all of those in our chat room, in our forum that help so many other people just with their remarks, just with their support, just with their uplifting personalities and comments. And then I wanna thank all of you who do the same thing. I know a lot of you have groups of people that you support. A lot of you go through some of the same things we do with people bugging you all the time and wanting to know what you’re hearing and when it’s gonna happen. We know it’s tough, and I guess we do this for other people, none of us are doing it for ourselves, so. You know, we’ve shared it with other people to help them, and, and so I wanna thank all of you for doing all that you do.

T: All right, thank you, Ray?

Ray: Hmm, let’s see. You know, listening to some of the callers questioning you, Tony, about the, do you think this one is really it this time, and I’m, you know, we, we’ve heard things that made us thought it was it, and then it didn’t happen and we were back this way again. And you know, guys, I didn’t prepare a closing statement or a goodbye to all the members and, you know, to make sure that I covered everybody and touched all of their hearts and all of that gracious stuff. Now I’m kinda, well, kinda thinkin’ I wish I had because you might not get a chance to hear it now, things are movin’ just that fast. So hopefully we’re finally gonna see it on Friday. Take care.

T: All right. And that was a good message. Guys, I do have something I wanna tell you on the final call. Matter of fact, I even got a song that I wanna plan for you on the final call, and I’ve just been holdin’ it, holdin’ it and waitin’, and I can’t wait ‘til that time comes. So I’m hoping, for those people listening, they call and say, “Do your final call before you do the final call.” DC said, “No, Tony, they’re kinda concerned about what you might say,” or something, but, I mean, I know how to be cordial, business and, you know, do the right thing if I can’t do it. And really it’s about goodbye and thank you and, there’s so many others, and, and things that I hope you guys accomplish in your lives and (inaudible) that. So hopefully we’ll get that fifteen minutes to do it our way before we have to do it their way and DC’ll be able to come back and tell you guys goodbye and thank you and, and everybody else. But until then, if I were you right now today, once again, I’d be goin’ through the first ten things I need to do when I get that call. The first ten things that need to happen in my life when they say, “This is live, and go.” ‘Cause one thing we know, it’s better to be ready than have to get ready, especially with things goin’ around and you, crazy phone calls, everything else. I’m gonna send you these three tweets afterwards, or these three links. I implore you, I mean, to look at them, to read them, to understand they are people just like you. And by that I mean ordinary hardworking people who came upon the opportunity of a lifetime, and two of ‘em just absolutely blew it, they didn’t know any better, they’re regrettin’ it today, and they will ‘cause they’ll never get that kind of money again. Like I tell you guys, this is your one shot at this, that was their one shot. And the other one who, you know, will go through a lifetime of success and a lifetime of pain because he was successful. And that’s how you’re going to be. Everybody’s going to look at you like that, your friends, family, everybody who told you was crazy for doing this is not gonna tell you you should take care of them the rest of your life ‘cause you didn’t really work for it. Anyway, read the story, ‘cause it’s gonna be the closest people to you that will cause you the most pain after this has happened because they didn’t believe, but now they want you to pay for it the rest of your life ‘cause they didn’t believe. That’s just reality. That’s just what you’re gonna have to go through the minute they see you have this kind of money, the minute you let them know, the minute they see that big house, cars, that, and they don’t see anything about you winning the lottery, something happens. Or the people that you already told that you had this kind of currency--the dinar, dong, whatever it is--they’ll know when you get it, and hey, you know, “Where’s mine? I mean you only paid a thousand dollars for that whole million, and now you got three, four million dollars, you can give me some.” I’m just telling you. Anyway, plan for it, plan for the good times as well, and be smart. Work smarter, not harder. So with that, I’m gonna tell you enjoy the rest of your days, guys. I really, really hope to do a call later or do a call this weekend sometime before Monday and get this party started.

Oh! For those who don’t, if we don’t have it this weekend--now this is just local people, again--I don’t mean for anybody to fly in, do anything else, I am going to the event this afternoon. I know there’s gonna be about fifteen, twenty people there already, so we’re just gonna kinda hang out. The number’s 916-524-4131, and long as they don’t announce the RV, I’ll be there. Starts at eight o’clock. Let’s have some fun, and you guys can buy me drinks instead of me buyin’ all you guys drinks, so anyway, I’m just messin’. Have a great day, guys, I’ll see you later. Thanks, everybody.

TNT "The DONATE, DONATE, DONATE Edition" CC Notes for 7-10-15 (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.